I understand from the Evening Telegraph that under Freedom of Information legislation they requested copies of councillor expenses claims and have been denied this on the grounds it is “personal information.”
I have real concern that this will be perceived by the public as the council flying in the face of the spirit of Freedom of Information legislation. It should be remembered that the expenses claims of MPs are now available for the public to scrutinise. I am not suggesting for one moment that there is any impropriety in any claims and am aware that these are thoroughly checked by officers before payment, but the public perception of withholding this information would be detrimental to the City Council.
It appears that the City Council is therefore not recognising the need to be fully open with the public and I do think this matter should be reconsidered.
I look forward to your response.
Best regards
Cllr Fraser Macpherson
Councillor for the West End
Liberal Democrat Group Leader - Dundee City Council"
I will, of course, update constituents as to the response received.