Fraser has been LibDem Councillor for the West End on Dundee City Council since 2001 and has topped the poll in all of the six council elections he has contested. Michael was elected to also represent the West End from May 2022 and is a hard-working addition to the West End LibDem team.
Friday, 30 November 2007
West End Christmas Week starts tomorrow!

Wednesday, 28 November 2007
Friends of Dundee Botanic Garden

Tuesday, 27 November 2007
Tullideph Area Update
These streets are in an area of sheltered housing and although the number of traffic movements is limited, residents have expressed concern about the speed of a minority of cars and the lack of road markings at the junction of the two streets.
The City Council has now advised me that the junction of Tullideph Street and Tullideph Place has been inspected to assess suitable improvements. I have been told that it is proposed to introduce a centre line to emphasise the sharp bend. This should help deter traffic from taking the fastest approach round the bend on the wrong side of the road and the markings will be undertaken early in the new financial year.
I also raised with the Planning & Transportation Department the need for dropped kerbing at the Tullideph Street/Tullideph Road junction.
Monday, 26 November 2007
Temporary Traffic Order - Step Row
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in Step Row from its junction with Perth Road for a distance of 100 metres or thereby in a southerly direction.
Pedestrian thoroughfare and vehicular access to premises will be maintained.
An alternative route will be available via Perth Road, Thomson Street and Magdalen Yard Road.
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this proposal to the Network Management Team, Planning and Transportation Department, Tayside House, Crichton Street, Dundee, no later than five working days prior to the commencement date.
If you have any queries please contact the department on 433168.
West End Christmas Week 2007!

Saturday 1st December
Christmas Week starts!
The seventh West End Christmas Week will be launched on Magdalen Green at 12.15pm by Depute Lord Provost Joe Morrow.
See the festively decorated bandstand!
There will be fun for all the family on Magdalen Green :
The presentation of prizes to pupils from Park Place Primary, St Joseph's Primary and Blackness Primary Schools - winners of the West End Christmas Week Schools Competition!
Football coaching and mini matches on the Green with Dundee FC and the Scottish Football Association!
Seasonal Chestnuts on the Green - kindly provided by Friends of Magdalen Green!
Music from Dundee University Brass and LoadsaWimminSinging!
Depute Lord Provost and local primary school children will plant a new Cherry Tree on the Green as part of the environment theme of this year's Christmas Week!
Family Art Activities on Magdalen Green - Sparkle and Greenery - making decorations with a new twist. Work with our Environment Artists to capture the spirit of the season!
Blackness Primary School - Christmas Fair 10am to 12 noon - including raffle, cake and candy, games & teas and coffees. All welcome!
Why not attend the Christmas Fair at Blackness Primary School then come down to Magdalen Green for the launch of Christmas Week - a great Saturday out for all the family!
Thursday 6th December at 6.15pm
West End Christmas Concert, Christmas Lights Switch On and spectacular fireworks extravaganza!
This year's West End Christmas Concert takes place at Dundee West Church at 6.15pm. All local residents are very welcome to attend. There will be musical contributions from all local primary and secondary schools. A welcome to the Concert will come from Lord Provost John Letford and the Concert will be hosted by Rev Andrew Greaves.
At 7pm, the West End Christmas Lights will be switched on at Seabraes by Nurse Molly Coddle and Crazy Daisy from the Downfield Musical Society Panto "Robin Hood and the Babes in the Wood".
The children can see round a Fire Engine at the switch-on and a Piper from the Tayside Police Pipe Band will play too! There will again be a spectacular fireworks display after the lights switch-on - and we would like to thank the West End shops whose financial support has made the fireworks display possible and thanks to Robin Carstairs for his help in organising the fireworks.
Sunday, 25 November 2007
St Andrew's Day Celebrations

Care Homes for Senior Citizens:
11am: Janet Brougham House, Robertson Street
2pm: St Margaret’s Home, Victoria Road
Karen Read (nee Hannah) is a highly accomplished fiddler with a sparkling personality. A former Celtic Connections Danny Award winner she has toured throughout the UK, Europe and New Zealand, appearing with musicians of the calibre of Aly Bain, Phil Cunningham and Alasdair Fraser. She is a member of the band Randan and several other groups.
Mike Kelleher hails from Ireland and is equally at home with Irish or Scottish song. A fine guitar player he also has a mellow, delightful voice and a winning way with an audience. He is also a member of Randan. (interesting footnote: Karen & husband Danny and Mike & wife Eleanor are expecting their first babies in mid to late March – there are bets on which arrives soonest!)
Senior Citizens Clubs
11am Broughty Ferry Centre, 343 Brook Street, Broughty Ferry
3.30pm Fiveways Centre, 2-4 Caird Avenue DD3 8AW.
Musicians entertaining at the Clubs are Maureen Jelks, singer, and Simon Chadwick, harpist
Dundee born Maureen Jelks is one of Scotland’s finest traditional singers, much in demand for festivals and concerts. She has recently returned from the International Celtic Women’s Festival in Milwaukee.
Simon Chadwick is a world expert on the medieval harp, a recent winner of a prestigious Arts Trust of Scotland Award and proud possessor of a beautiful replica of the harp which belonged to Mary, Queen of Scots.
City Square
1 -2 pm Dundee High School Pipe Band & Mains of Fintry Pipe Band.
DHS Pipe Band is a very promising young band. Mains of Fintry Pipe Band have been invited to represent Scotland at a major piping event in Japan in 2008 and this will be part of their fundraising for the trip.
Wellgate Centre Entrance: Kinnear & McKay, pipes, banjo and a touch of funk!
Central Library
12.30 - 2pm Music from Wighton Singers with input from Maureen Jelks, Simon Chadwick, Karen Read, Mike Kelleher
The Wighton Singers are a group of mainly senior citizens who meet with Maureen Jelks every Tuesday afternoon in the Wighton Heritage Centre to learn Scottish songs.
3.30pm Children's Song workshop with Sheena Wellington
Meadowside St. Paul's Church Hall, West Marketgait
7.15 pm St Andrews Night Party (pipes, highland dancers, Sheena Wellington & stovies)
Tickets £5 including refreshments, available from Cornerstone Coffee House, Nethergate
Saturday, 24 November 2007
Nicol Stephen

Dear members,
At the end of a busy week, I thought I would e mail to record my congratulations to the LibDem team in Dundee for achieving a big growth in our share of the vote in Dundee Council's Lochee by-election yesterday. It showed, once again that, where we work, we gain new votes for our party.
Well done to our great, young candidate Chris Hall and to Cllr Fraser Macpherson and the Dundee team who have worked so hard to add so much to our vote share.
There have now been three by-elections in Scotland since May. They have been in Aberdeen, Argyll and Dundee. The combined results show that the Liberal Democrat vote share has gone up by more than any other party. We have been the biggest winners in votes and - remember - we made that important seat gain in Helensburgh just last month.
I am determined to continue to take our positive campaigns to every part of Scotland and for us to win new votes wherever we can.
Best wishes
Nicol Stephen
Friday, 23 November 2007
Lochee outcome!

Thursday, 22 November 2007
Friends of Magdalen Green update
Tuesday, 20 November 2007
Pavilion on Riverside Drive
Monday, 19 November 2007
Wet day in Lochee and planning concern

Sunday, 18 November 2007
Sunday in Lochee ... and great West End photos!
Saturday, 17 November 2007
Lochee Latest!
Over the past eight weeks or so, I feel I could expand the specialist subject to include Lochee. My colleagues and I have canvassed and delivered newsletters extensively for Chris Hall, the Lochee Ward Liberal Democrat by-election candidate and he’s worked extremely hard, not just in the past weeks, but over a period of many months.
Having spent some nine hours in Lochee today, I have sore feet, but it has been a brilliant day, meeting many residents – and also the Labour Party and the Tories (the latter finally made an appearance today – just a few months late guys). Strangely no sign of the SNP anywhere in Lochee today – but judging by residents comments about SNP broken promises (school class sizes, police numbers, grants to first time home buyers, writing off student debt .. etc, etc, etc, etc) I suppose that’s not too surprising.
Friday, 16 November 2007
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday

Wednesday, 14 November 2007
Former Logie Secondary School site clean-up
Monday, 12 November 2007
November Community Council Update!
* CCTV at Seabraes
* Pennycook Lane - handrail
* Leaves on local pavements
* Pavement Repairs - Perth Road at two locations
* Digital TV
The Community Council meets this forthcoming Tuesday (13th November) at 7pm at Logie St John's (Cross) Church Hall.
You can read more about the update by clicking on the headline above.
Saturday, 10 November 2007
Latest update

Thursday, 8 November 2007
National Consumer Week

Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Greenbank Place Lighting Concern
"The pathway lights serving the access to 1-23 Greenbank Place has been issued for repair."
Monday, 5 November 2007
Direct Debits ... and Lochee!

Sunday, 4 November 2007
City Road, Tullideph Road, Tullideph Street
The area has many elderly people so I am pleased that this improvement to dropped kerbing and tactile paving is planned.
I have also recently raised with the City Council the issue of road safety in Tullideph Street, an area with sheltered housing. This follows the recent community meeting at Balgay Church Hall - and residents are concerned about some vehicle speeds. Although I am advised that there have been no injury accidents here during the past three years, I am discussing with Council staff the concerns of residents to see what steps can be undertaken to alleviate these concerns.
Saturday, 3 November 2007
Recycling again
As I commented in the Courier article, the reason for this is because of the storage difficulties for three separate bins per household (waste, paper, garden) facing residents in tenements (this part of Blackness Road – just east of Balgay Road/Blackness Avenue – has houses on the south side and tenement flats on the north side).
It is absolutely clear that residents want recycling facilities close by and as I made clear in the Courier, this is something the City Council wishes and intends to further develop – with more local facilities, offering a wider range of materials to recycle.
Great hilarity last week when I received an e-mail (day job – no politicians involved!) apologising for the inconvenience for the delay in sending me some Powerpoint slides, but rather embarrassingly saying “I apologise for the delay and any incontinence caused.”
Both sons round for tea tonight and further great hilarity watching the X Factor earlier on – Same Difference, oh dear… Rhydian’s version of “Get the party started” is no match for the Diva’s – see below.
Shirley Bassey - GET THE PARTY STARTED - Music Video
Rhydian Roberts - you have nothing on Dame Shirley!