Fraser has been LibDem Councillor for the West End on Dundee City Council since 2001 and has topped the poll in all of the six council elections he has contested. Michael was elected to also represent the West End from May 2022 and is a hard-working addition to the West End LibDem team.
Friday, 31 January 2020
Out and about in February ...
Dundee Community Cars
Thursday, 30 January 2020
Friends of Wighton event
From Sheena Wellington :
Wednesday 5th February from 1.15pm - 1.45pm
Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library
Lunchtime Recital with Robbie Fotheringham, storyteller
Robbie, founding member of Blether-Tay-Gither, Dundee's Storytelling Group for Adults, keeps the tradition of oral storytelling alive.
She believes in inclusive storytelling; the story is always the star of the show and audiences are asked to contribute and participate therefore feeling a part of the story. Stories may originate from near or far; some are specially written for specific situations.
Robbie has also collaborated with other storytellers, presenting workshops at Dundee's Women's Festivals and takes part in the Scottish International Storytelling Festival each October.
Admission free, donations welcomed.
Wednesday, 29 January 2020
Walk and Talk - further event - all welcome!
Walk and Talk Course
Tuesday, 28 January 2020
Fairtrade Fortnight Celebration
As part of Fairtrade Fortnight, the Dundee Fair Trade Forum is delighted to invite you to its event ‘Come on into Fairtrade’ at Birchwood Food Emporium - Cafe, 28 – 32 Commercial Street on Wednesday 26th February at 5.30pm.
This will be directly followed by the Dundee Fair Trade Forum’s Annual General Meeting, which you are all invited to attend.
Dundee is Scotland’s first Fairtrade City and the Forum would like to encourage and support more local businesses in sourcing Fairtrade products.
This event will include the opportunity to hear from Ian Alexander, owner of local business Birchwood Food Emporium – Cafe and Billy Miller from Scottish coffee supplier Coffee Conscience, about how Fairtrade is a ‘win win’ situation for all.
We hope to be joined also by a Fairtrade cocoa producer, celebrating this year’s Fairtrade Fortnight theme of a living wage for cocoa farmers. We can however promise the opportunity to enjoy some lovely samples of Fairtrade chocolate!
Monday, 27 January 2020
Getting things done - Park Place #dundeewestend
Residents have drawn to my attention the mess recently of Park Place near the Old Hawkhill junction - see photo below :
The bins here are a mix of council and commercial bins and I have contacted environment management at the City Council's Neighbourhood Services requesting action to have the area tidied and necessary steps taken to ensure the area is kept clean in future.
Park Place
Sunday, 26 January 2020
Meet & Greet at Ninewells Hospital - volunteering opportunity
NHS Tayside is looking for volunteers :
"Based at the front door of Ninewells Hospital, you will be a point of contact welcoming people into the Hospital.
You will provide clear directional information to help people get to their appointment, signposting, or escorting patients or visitors.
This role is suited for people with good listening and communication skills. You will have a reasonable level of fitness, able to walk with visitors to their destination if required.
You must be reliable, have a helpful, friendly and courteous attitude, and be caring, sympathetic and sensitive. You will have a genuine interest in helping people. You will be able to work without direct supervision."
The time commitment is one shift per week – 9am - 12 noon or 1pm - 4pm.
For further information call 740136 or e-mail
Ninewells Hospital
Saturday, 25 January 2020
Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend
Blackness Road (at Peddie Street) – temporary traffic lights on Sunday 26 January for Scottish Water work.
West Marketgait at Police Station - off peak lane closures in both directions on Monday 27 January for street lighting lantern replacement works.
Friday, 24 January 2020
Latest update from Friends of Wighton
From Sheena Wellington :
Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library
Tomorrow - Saturday 25th January - at 11am (doors open 10.30am)
Cappuccino Concert starring Wilma Kennedy

One of our finest Gaelic singers, a sought after teacher and coach with wide experience on television and radio, Wilma is no stranger to the Wighton. As the Friends of Wighton Gaelic Song tutor for several years she introduced numerous singers to the beauties of the Gaelic tradition.
It is a joy to welcome her back for what will be a wonderful morning of song.
Admission £5 with tea/coffee available for a small donation.
Thursday, 23 January 2020
Ninewells Community Garden event next week #dundeewestend
Ninewells Hospital
Wednesday, 22 January 2020
Can you help Marie Curie?
As residents will be aware, Marie Curie is a registered charitable organisation that provides excellent care and support to people with terminal illnesses and their families.
Marie Curie is looking for volunteers and has provided the following helpful information :
"You can offer your time any day of the week, between 9am and 9pm, so that you can find a time that works for you and the individual that you are supporting.
The type of support our Helper volunteers give often includes: companionship and emotional support; practical help; a break for families and carers; information on other support available and support after a bereavement.
Every day of your life matters, from the first to the last. We believe everyone living with a terminal illness should be able to get the most from the time they have left, however hard that may sometimes feel. We'll be here for you and your family when you may feel like no-one else is, to help you cope when you don't know how.
Marie Curie Nurses care for you in your home, when you need them most, day or night. Our hospices are at the heart of communities around the UK.
And our trained volunteers and advisers are here for you with practical information and support when you don't know what to do next or just need to talk."
To find out more call 07515 134703 or e-mail - many thanks.
Marie Curie
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Getting things done - Ancrum Drive lock-ups #dundeewestend
Last year, at my request, Hillcrest Enterprises as factors undertook a clean-up, graffiti removal, weeds removal and guttering works at lock-ups in Ancrum Drive.
I have also asked Hillcrest if it will consider improving the road surface around the lock-ups as it is very potholed and muddy.
Hillcrest's Housing Manager (Operations) has postively responded as follows :
"I’m aware the surface at the lock ups is not ideal and this is clearly backed up by the photo you have supplied. ... The cost of tarmac would be prohibitive but we can of course look at some practical repairs and maintenance.
I will ask my Maintenance colleagues to gather quotations with a view to having some improvements carried out after the worst of the frosty weather is behind us, perhaps around March.
I will contact you again to outline the work we propose to undertake and give a clearer timeframe in due course."
Ancrum Drive
Monday, 20 January 2020
Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend
Marketgait – various off peak lane closures from Monday 20 January for one week for street lighting lantern replacement works.
Perth Road (at River Crescent) – temporary traffic lights for one week from Monday 20 January for Scottish Water work.
Nethergate (West Marketgait to Queens Hotel car park entrance) – closed westbound from Monday 20 January for 5 working days for Virgin Media duct installation works.
Blackness Road (at Peddie Street) – temporary traffic lights on Sunday 26 January for Scottish Water work.
Sunday, 19 January 2020
Living Together - Housing in Dundee discussion event
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :
Our exhibition on the history of housing in Dundee, Living Together, finishes next week after a hugely popular run.
Using photographs, artworks and architects’ designs, the exhibition explores some of the most common forms of houses in Dundee, with a particular focus on communal and social housing – from Victorian tenements to pioneering council houses, post-war multis, student halls of residence and more.
To mark the end of the show, on Friday 24th January at 5pm we’re hosting an evening of short talks and discussion around the themes of the exhibition, with informal presentations in the gallery and more formal talks in the Baxter suite next door.
Dr Lorens Holm, Reader in Architecture, will discuss the legacy of 19th century tenements. Dr Susan Mains, Lecturer in Human Geography, will explore the connections between urban geography and artistic representations of cities. Finally, Architecture students Santianna Stathopoulou, Nikolas Gravos, Leo Hao and Sean Wee will talk about ‘studentification’ in Dundee and its effect on housing.
Please join us in the Lamb Gallery on the first floor of the Tower Building for a stimulating evening. Admission is free but it would be helpful if you could book a place here.
University of Dundee
Saturday, 18 January 2020
Dundee Bipolar Group meetings
Dundee Bipolar Group
Friday, 17 January 2020
A walk, a blether and a brew - a date for you diary!
Thursday, 16 January 2020
Blether Tay-Gither - Storytelling in Dundee
From Blether Tay-Gither :
Our January 2020 Blether will be on Tuesday 28th January - at 7pm at Madigan's Tearoom and Bookshop at 25 Castle Street.
The Theme is MUSIC.
Join us for a relaxed evening of stories and tales. bring a story or just come to listen.
Hope to see some of you there – all welcome!
Blether Tay-gither
Wednesday, 15 January 2020
Getting things done - lighting at Miller's Wynd car park #dundeewestend
There has rightly been much anger and concern over the council's decision to start charging for use of seven of the car parks in the West End.
It seems to rather rub salt in the wounds that the lighting in the Miller's Wynd car park has now failed, plunging the car park into darkness at nights.
I have therefore asked the council to repair this as soon as possible and certainly before the car park charges commence.
Millers Wynd
Tuesday, 14 January 2020
Central and East Regional Fair Trade Session
The Scottish Fair Trade Forum is running a series of sessions across Scotland to give supporters a chance to find our more about Fair Trade.
It aims to make these sessions as informal and practical as possible: we want you to leave feeling energised and empowered with new ideas, connections and up-to-date information on Fair Trade.
Sessions cover topics such as:
- Fair Trade campaigning in the climate emergency
- Harnessing the power of social media for Fair Trade campaigning
- Procurement
... and includes :
- Opportunities to meet other supporters
- Lunch and Fairtrade tea & coffee!
The Dundee event is this Saturday - 18th January - 11am to 1.30pm at the Dalhousie Building in the University of Dundee.
You can read more about this and book a place here.
Monday, 13 January 2020
Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend
Nethergate (West Marketgait to Park Place) – closed westbound from Monday 20 January for 5 days for Virgin Media work.
A90 at Swallow roundabout – overnight (7.30pm - 6.30am) eastbound lane closure on Friday 17 January for carriageway patching works.
Marketgait – various off peak lane closures from Monday 13 January for one week for street lighting lantern replacement works.
Forthcoming Roadworks
Perth Road (at River Crescent) – temporary traffic lights for one week from Monday 20 January for Scottish Water work.
Nethergate (West Marketgait to Queens Hotel car park entrance) – closed westbound from Monday 20 January for 5 working days for Virgin Media duct installation works.
Blackness Road (at Peddie Street) – temporary traffic lights on Sunday 26 January for Scottish Water work.
Sunday, 12 January 2020
Getting things done - Riverside Drive #dundeewestend
Recently, the traffic safety bollards in the middle of Riverside Drive, just north of the Botanic Garden, were damaged - apparently struck by a vehicle - see photo :
I reported this, at the request of residents, to the City Council and am grateful for the prompt response to put a temporary arrangement in place.
The council has further advised :
"Tayside Contracts (is) ... going to replace them within the next month with new highly reflective bollards, but they're back up for now."
Riverside Drive
Saturday, 11 January 2020
Ellis O'Connor - Frontier
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :
Our first exhibition of 2020 has just gone up in the Tower Foyer Gallery, featuring dramatic paintings by an award-winning Dundee artist.
Ellis O’Connor studied Fine Art at Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, graduating in 2014. She completed an MFA in Arts & Humanities at the College in 2016. Since then she has won numerous awards for her work and undertaken several residency programmes, including in Iceland and Norway. In 2016 she was one of a group of artists who sailed around the Svalbard Archipelago in the High Arctic making work about the landscape and environment.
Ellis now lives on the Outer Hebridean island of North Uist. The new works made for this exhibition (entitled Frontier) respond to the turbulent and ever-changing environment which surrounds her. Writing about her work, she explains: “The dynamic energy conveys the movement and rhythms of the sea and the land … the merging of sea with air, advancing rain and mist, ever changing light – elements that seem to be about something intangible.”
Although Ellis has exhibited across the country, this is her first solo exhibition in her home city.
The exhibition runs until 28th March and is open Monday to Friday 9.30am-7pm and Saturday 1pm-5pm.
University of Dundee
Friday, 10 January 2020
Bad news on West End car parking #dundeewestend
Residents will recall that, just before Christmas, I again reiterated my strong opposition to the council administration's policy of introducing car parking charges into seven West End car parks.
The effect will be particularly difficult for residents and add to on-street car parking in the area.
I received the following update late yesterday from the council's Parking and Sustainable Transport Team Leader :
"We expect the new car parking charges in the seven West End car parks to be introduced on Monday, 27 January 2020. In advance, we will advertise the change by way of signage and press releases from early next week. Meters have already been installed at most of the car parks and these will be commissioned on 23/24 January 2020. New tariff charge boards will be erected over the weekend of 25/26 January 2020.
New lighting is being installed by the Street Lighting Partnership in Roseangle Car Park during week commencing 20 January 2020. For a few days this car park will be closed to create a safe working environment. This closure will also be advertised in advance."
The effect of these charges will be highly detrimental and, even at this late stage, I would urge the council administration to think again about introducing them.
Thursday, 9 January 2020
West End Surgeries #dundeewestend
With the Christmas school holidays now over, it is back to West End Ward surgeries! My Blackness Primary School surgery takes place tonight at 6.15pm.
My full surgery details are below – although I can also be contacted via or phone me at home on 459378 anytime :
Wednesday, 8 January 2020
Winter Planetarium Show at the Mills Observatory #dundeewestend
This Saturday – 11th January – you can take a tour of the night sky in the observatory's planetarium room and learn about constellations, galaxies and the latest space news and much more.
Please note that Winter Planetarium Shows are suitable for children aged 5 and over.
Just £1 for adults; 50p children. Booking essential on 435967.
Mills Observatory
Tuesday, 7 January 2020
Print Studio Tour at DCA #dundeewestend
This Thursday - 9th January at 5.30pm – and again on Saturday 11th January at 12 noon - you can get a free tour of the Dundee Contemporary Arts Print Studio!
The studio has a huge range of state-of-the-art equipment for both traditional printing and creating digital artworks.
DCA Print Studio houses everything from a Victorian relief press to 3D printers and a laser cutter. Come along and be shown around.
These tours are the perfect precursor to doing a course or becoming a registered user - or are for anyone who has always wondered what goes on in the studio!
Free, but booking essential by contacting Dundee Contemporary Arts on 909900 or e-mail
Monday, 6 January 2020
Can you help Maggie's Dundee?
Maggie’s Dundee is looking more support from volunteers, so any help you could give would be amazing!
The Maggie's team is looking for more support in the following areas :
• Drop in Volunteers – welcome visitors and make tea and coffee
• Event volunteers – stall, bucket collections, event stewards
• Admin support – Thank you letters, help with banking, volunteer admin jobs
• Speakers - people who can go do talks / presentations for Maggie’s and also collect cheques on Maggie's behalf.
Please contact Laura Boyd, Maggie's Centre Fundraiser on 496384 (or mobile 07860 271415).
Many thanks!
Maggie’s Dundee
Sunday, 5 January 2020
Abertay Historical Society event
Two centuries of appreciation and modification:
What might the future hold for the Tay?
This Wednesday - 8th January - from 2.15pm to 3.30pm, Professor Rob Duck, Emeritus Professor of Geography and Environmental Science, School of Social Sciences at the University of Dundee, will deliver this address as part of Abertay Historical Society’s contribution to the city’s afternoon lecture series.
This talk will look at some of the impacts of human intervention at the River Tay over the past 200 years and how climate change might affect sea levels.
The talk will take place in the D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre in the Tower Building at the University of Dundee, admission is £2 and all are welcome.
More information about Abertay Historical Society is available here.
Abertay Historical Society
Saturday, 4 January 2020
Dundee & Angus College Open Days 2020
Interested in finding out more about D&A College?
Then come along to its 2020 Open Days ...
From Tuesday 14th January to Thursday 16th January, there will be the opportunity to visit Dundee & Angus College at each of its campuses, chat to teaching staff about courses, get a copy of our new prospectus, see the campus facilities and get advice about funding, course options, additional support from the Student Services team.
Full details are here – all welcome!
Dundee College
Friday, 3 January 2020
Discovery Days 2020 - Short Presentations from the Cutting Edge
The next Discovery Days event from the University of Dundee will take place on Thursday 9th and Friday 10th January. The venue is the Main Lecture Theatre, Dalhousie Building, Old Hawkhill.
You can listen to the university's newest professors and award-winning teachers and students, as they share the ideas that inspire them. Everyone is welcome, including school pupils, members of the public and university staff and students.
As part of Discovery Days 2020, there is also holding the annual public session with the University's Court. This is a unique opportunity to hear from and pose questions to the university’s governing body.
Refreshments and lunch will be available. The event will close with a free drinks reception.
You can read the full programme here.
University of Dundee
Thursday, 2 January 2020
Botanic Garden event #dundeewestend
From the Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden :
On Sunday 5th January, Alasdair Hood, former Curator, University of Dundee Botanic Garden, will give a talk on "A life in horticulture."
It will take place at 2pm in the Education Centre at the Botanic Garden.
All are welcome!
Botanic Garden
Wednesday, 1 January 2020
A very Happy New Year 2020 to one and all!
New Year 2020
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