Fraser has been LibDem Councillor for the West End on Dundee City Council since 2001 and has topped the poll in all of the six council elections he has contested. Michael was elected to also represent the West End from May 2022 and is a hard-working addition to the West End LibDem team.
Thursday, 30 November 2017
Scottish & Ethical Dundee Christmas Fair
City Centre
Wednesday, 29 November 2017
Christmas Lights On for the West End! #dundeewestend
Tonight at 6.15pm
Lights On for the West End!
… and a spectacular fireworks extravaganza!
This year’s West End Christmas Concert takes place at Dundee West Church at 6.15pm. Everyone is very welcome to attend.
There will be musical contributions from all local primary and secondary schools. The Concert will be hosted by Gordon Sharp. We are delighted that “The Notables” will also perform at the concert. Mains of Fintry Pipe Band will pipe everyone from the church to Seabraes for the Christmas Lights Switch-On!
At 7pm, Loadsaweeminsinging will be singing by the Christmas Tree, followed by a visit from Santa with small gifts for all the children, with grateful thanks to Scotmid. The West End Christmas Lights will be switched on at Seabraes at 7.20pm by Lord Provost Ian Borthwick, ably assisted by Santa and his sleigh.
There will again be a spectacular fireworks display after the lights switch-on – and we would like to thank the West End businesses and organisations whose financial support has made the fireworks display possible.
In addition, there will be hot drinks and shortie at Seabraes, kindly provided by Gate Church and crafts and sweets stalls from the Friends of Blackness.
Many thanks to Police Scotland for their assistance and also to the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service who hope to have a fire engine on-site for children to see round!
Another great, free event for all the family – don’t miss it!
West End Christmas Week
Tuesday, 28 November 2017
Getting things done - Logie Avenue #dundeewestend
Residents in the Logie area have complained to me about the state of the council-owned ground on Logie Avenue next to the lock-ups at the east end of the street - see below :
I contacted the council's environment team in Neighbourhood Services and have had the following positive feedback :
"Just to confirm I had this site looked into and the ground is Environment's so will will have this area cleaned up.
A site update will also be done to ensure its included in our cyclical work in future."
Logie Avenue
Monday, 27 November 2017
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
A85 Riverside Drive – prohibition of right turn from westbound lane of Riverside Drive into Riverside approach and prohibition of right turn from Riverside Approach in to Riverside Drive for 2 weeks for works to the sea wall. Prohibitions will only be in place when required.
A85 Riverside Drive (at Railway Station) – eastbound nearside lane closure for 2 weeks for SGN essential valve maintenance.
Sunday, 26 November 2017
Book Week Scotland in #Dundee
Book Week Scotland starts tomorrow!
It is an annual celebration of books and reading, and since this year's theme is 'nourish' there’s a jam packed programme of free events for you to sink your teeth into at Dundee Libraries.
Read the full programme here.
Book Week Scotland
Saturday, 25 November 2017
West End Christmas Fortnight starts today #dundeewestend
Today is the start of West End Christmas Fortnight!
This is the 17th year of West End Christmas events – a whole fortnight of fun for all the family!
Events this weekend include :
Today - Saturday 25th November : Christmas Fortnight starts with Dundee West Church’s Christmas Coffee Morning taking place in the church – 10am to 12 noon – enter from the church’s entrance at 132 Perth Road.
Today - Saturday 25th November : Vintage Afternoon Tea and Fashion Show at Harris Academy, supporting Roxburghe House and CHAS. 12 noon to 6pm.
Tomorrow - Sunday 26th November : Open Day at Blackness Fire Station – 11am to 3pm – see round our local fire station – all welcome.
West End Christmas Week
Friday, 24 November 2017
Blether Tay-Gither - Storytelling in Dundee
From Blether Tay-Gither :
Our November Blether will be on Tuesday 28th November at 7pm at our new venue - The Butterfly Café. 28 Commercial Street.
The theme this month is " The Golden Years."
Hope to see some of you there – all welcome!
Blether Tay-gither
Thursday, 23 November 2017
Handrail extension - Pennycook Lane - now scheduled #dundeewestend
In September, I highlighted that, at the request of residents, I had asked the City Council to add a short extension to the handrail down the east side of the pavement of Pennycook Lane - at Pennycook Court sheltered housing – so the rail would go right down to the flat pavement of Perth Road.
I am pleased to say this was agreed to. I have now been advised of timescale :
“It should be done by the end of November/start of December.”
Pennycook Lane
Wednesday, 22 November 2017
West End Litter Pick #takepridedundee #dundeewestend
Dundee Rep
Tuesday, 21 November 2017
Philip Ball Lecture
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :
Our celebrations of the centenary of D’Arcy Thompson’s On Growth and Form continue on Wednesday 22nd November at 6pm with a free public lecture by renowned science writer and broadcaster Philip Ball in the D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, Tower Building, entitled From Natural Patterns to Self-Organisation.
Patterns, regularities and order appear spontaneously in the universe over an immense range of scales in space and time. Not only does such organisation seem to challenge the universal thermodynamic tendency towards an inexorable increase in entropy and disorder, but these patterns often share similar forms and features in systems that seem to have no relation to one another.
It has become increasingly clear that there are organising processes in nature that operate according to very general principles, insensitive to (or at best merely fine-tuned by) the details of a particular system. At the same time, the delicate interplay between chance and determinism in these situations is able to engender immense, seemingly endless variation on a few basic themes, as in the case of snowflakes.
On Growth and Form was the first great synthesis of this combination of universality and variety in natural pattern and form. But only in modern times have we had the conceptual, computational and experimental tools to do his intuitions justice.
In this free lecture, Philip Ball will look at where our understanding of these processes has come over the century since the book’s publication. A former editor of Nature, Ball recently presented a BBC Radio 4 documentary about D’Arcy Thompson and is the author of Nature’s Patterns: A Tapestry in Three Parts.
The lecture is free but please book a place here.
University of Dundee
Monday, 20 November 2017
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
A85 Riverside Drive – prohibition of right turn from westbound lane of Riverside Drive into Riverside approach and prohibition of right turn from Riverside Approach in to Riverside Drive for 3 weeks for works to the sea wall. Prohibitions will only be in place when required.
A85 Riverside Drive (at Railway Station) – eastbound nearside lane closure for 3 weeks for SGN essential valve maintenance.
Sunday, 19 November 2017
Additional Scottish Water Works - Fyffe Street/Eassons Angle #dundeewestend
From the Corporate Affairs Officer at Scottish Water :
I have been made aware from our contractors CWA who are carrying out our water mains upgrade works in Dundee of an additional piece of work to take place within your ward.
This work was originally planned previously however due to issues with the proposed backfeed (to reduce amount of customers affected) the work was unable to be completed.
I have been informed that the work will now take place from Monday 20th November for approximately 2 weeks. The work involves the lining of existing water mains in Fyffe Street (near junction with Benvie Road).
There may also be some work required in Easson’s Angle however at this stage nothing has been confirmed. I will keep you updated when I have confirmation.
The work in Fyffe Street will not involve any road closures and access will be maintained at all times.
Easson's Angle,
Fyffe Street,
Scottish Water
Saturday, 18 November 2017
Getting things done – Osborne Place #dundeewestend
residents’ complaints to me about a series of potholes in Osborne Place, I
brought this to the attention of the council's Roads Maintenance Partnership
and have been updated as follows :
order has … been raised for potholes in Osborne Place with a timescale for
repair of approximately one week."
Osborne Place
Friday, 17 November 2017
Citizen of the Year
Dundee City Council
Thursday, 16 November 2017
No ward surgery tonight
As today is an in-service day at local schools, my usual ward surgery at Blackness Primary School does not take place but I can be contacted at any time at home on 459378 or by e-mail at
My surgeries resume again next Monday. Details are available here.
Wednesday, 15 November 2017
Getting things done - Greenbank Place #dundeewestend

I raised this with the council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and have now received the following response :
"Greenbank Place is provisionally included in the 2019/2020 Carriageway Programme for resurfacing. An inspection has been carried out and there are currently no actionable defects on the adopted section however an order has been raised for the repair of three potholes on the non adopted section with an approximate timescale of twenty eight days.
The gullies were last emptied in February 2017 so the gully machine is not due to attend again until approximately September 2018 however will re-visit the blocked gully as soon it is available to do so, hopefully within the next week or so."
Greenbank Place
Tuesday, 14 November 2017
West End Community Council meeting tonight #dundeewestend
I have today launched my November 2017 Update to West End Community Council.
It covers the forthcoming West End Christmas Fortnight events – see details below and you can also download the full Update here.
The Community Council meets tonight at Logie St John's (Cross) Church Hall at 7pm - all residents welcome.
A fabulous West End Christmas Fortnight launches soon!

On Wednesday 29th November the Christmas Lights Switch On for the West End will take place including a spectacular fireworks extravaganza.
This year’s West End Christmas Concert takes place that evening at Dundee West Church at 6.15pm.
There will be musical contributions from all local primary and secondary schools. The Concert will be hosted by Gordon Sharp.
We are delighted that “The Notables” will perform as well as local school pupils – it will be a great concert and everyone is very welcome to attend. Mains of Fintry Pipe Band will pipe everyone from the church to Seabraes for the Christmas Lights Switch-On.
At 7pm, Loadsaweeminsinging will perform by the tree and thereafter at 7.20pm the West End Christmas Lights will be switched on at Seabraes by Lord Provost Ian Borthwick, ably assisted by Santa and his sleigh.
There will again be a spectacular fireworks display after the lights switch-on.
West End Christmas Fortnight is packed with events and we hope that, as in the past 17 years, the local community will take part.
We are extremely grateful to all the local businesses for their support of the Christmas Fortnight, without which the events would not be possible.
Other main West End Christmas Fortnight events include :
• Saturday 25th November : Christmas Fortnight starts with Dundee West Church’s Christmas Coffee Morning taking place in the church – 10am to 12 noon – enter from the church’s entrance at 132 Perth Road.
• Sunday 26th November : Open Day at Blackness Fire Station – 11am to 3pm – see round our local fire station – all welcome.
• Tuesday 28th November 4pm – 5pm : Children’s craft activity at Blackness Library – make a Christmas Tree card – all children welcome!
• Thursday 30th November – Frocks and Fizz evening at The Gate Coffee Bar, 158 Perth Road – 7.30pm to 9.30pm.
• Friday 1st December – West End – Best End! – Lights Switch on in West Port at 5.30pm – includes a piper, singers and a string quartet. Roast chestnuts, apple spiced Christmas drinks and hot chocolate for the children. Don’t miss it!
• Saturday 2nd December – Blackness Primary School’s Christmas Fair (10am to 12 noon), organised by the Friends of Blackness, and with a large variety of stalls.
• Saturday 2nd December – A Cosy Cup of Crafts! - Join the Gate Church for a cosy cup of tea or coffee and a cake while you enjoy a Christmas Craft Fair featuring local artists. 11am to 4pm.
• Saturday 2nd December – Verdant Works Winter Fayre – 12 noon to 4pm.
• Saturday 2nd December – Specifically Vintage Christmas Market at Roseangle Kitchen CafĂ© from 11am to 4pm.
• Saturday 2nd December – An evening of Christmas music – Dundee West Church at 7.30pm. Tickets from Dundee Box Office. Raffle in aid of Age Concern Dundee.
• Monday 4th December - Children’s craft activity at Blackness Library – decorate a Christmas stocking – all children welcome! 4pm – 5pm.
• Wednesday 6th December – Christmas West End Community Groups’ Social Event at The Vine.
• Thursday 7th December – Winter Market at Dundee University Students’ Association, Airlie Place. 11am to 4pm.
• Friday 8th December - Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden’s “Mystery Walk in the Dark” – great fun for children! 5.30pm to 6.30pm.
• Friday 8th December – West End Community Christmas Carol Concert at Logie & St. John's (Cross) Parish Church at 6.30pm. A family orientated candlelit celebration of Christmas sung with Carols, old and new. Refreshments served and admission free. Bring a torch if you can!
• Friday 8th December – Starter Packs – a Rocking Christmas with “Road Runner” – 7.30pm at the Friary. Tickets £7 in aid of Dundee Starter Packs and Dundee Foodbank.
• Saturday 9th December – West End Christmas Fortnight’s lovely children's craft event led by the wonderful Lisa Earl of Create … Kids Create Craft Workshops. Taking place at Logie St John’s (Cross) Church Hall, this event is most suited to young school aged children.
• Saturday 9th December – Friends of Magdalen Green – Soup and Pudding Lunch at Dundee West Church – 11am to 1pm - £5 – all welcome!
• Saturday 9th December – Harris Academy from 12.30pm – Primary 6 football competition. P6 teams participating from our local primary schools.
• Saturday 9th December – Christmas Tea and Carols at the Gate Church – 3pm to 5.30pm. Come along and enjoy a festive afternoon tea including sandwiches and cakes and a sing along to some of your favourite Christmas carols.
• Over Christmas Fortnight – Window Spotting Competition for children – prizes include a family membership of the Botanic Garden.
Monday, 13 November 2017
Council to review street cleaning changes
Dundee City Council’s Policy and Resources Committee has agreed to review the effectiveness of changes made to the street cleaning operation across the city, following implementation of a report in December 2015 that has resulted in alteration to the service and removal of street cleaning posts.
I made the request to the Policy and Resources Committee as it is important that the council reviews the situation to ensure that there is no reduction in the effectiveness of the street cleaning service.
My motion – accepted unanimously by councillors – states :
“Street Cleaning and Open Space Management
Motion by Bailie Fraser Macpherson
Given that it is approaching two years since adoption of Report 439-2015 on the Street Cleaning and Open Space Review, adopted at committee on 7th December 2015, this committee instructs Neighbourhood Services to review the effectiveness of the street cleaning revised operation to ensure that the changes undertaken since 2015 have not significantly impacted on the quality of street cleaning in any part of the city.
A report on the outcomes of such a review should be brought back to committee, together with any necessary recommendations, to ensure Dundee City Council maintains good quality street cleaning standards across the city over the coming years.”
Earlier this year, Accounts Commission reported that the streets of Dundee are becoming dirtier – the report showing that Dundee’s street cleanliness score fell by 1.6% over the past six years and the council’s spending on street cleaning, per 1 000 residents, had been reduced by 39.8% over the same period.
The staff doing street cleaning do an excellent job. However, recent changes have already resulted in some 26 fewer posts in street cleaning and this is bound to affect the service. It is really important therefore that the street cleaning operation is fully reviewed and I am pleased the council has agreed to this.
A photo of an example of residents’ complaints about street cleaning (taken in Annfield Road) is shown above right – I highlighted this example at the Policy and Resources Committee.
Dundee City Council
Sunday, 12 November 2017
Police Community Surgeries in the West End #dundeewestend
Blackness Library,
Police Scotland
Saturday, 11 November 2017
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
Lochee Road (at Blinshall Street) – temporary traffic lights on Sunday 12 November for refuge island installation.
A85 Riverside Drive – prohibition of right turn from westbound lane of Riverside Drive into Riverside approach and prohibition of right turn from Riverside Approach in to Riverside Drive for 4 weeks for works to the sea wall. Prohibitions will only be in place when required.
A85 Riverside Drive (at Railway Station) – eastbound nearside lane closure for 3 weeks for SGN essential valve maintenance.
Riverside Drive (at Tesco roundabout) – off-peak eastbound nearside lane closure on Wednesday 15 November for crane works.
Riverside Drive (drop off/pick up access road at train station) - closed on Saturday 18 November 10.00pm – 6.00am) for station wall repairs.
Friday, 10 November 2017
Exponential Growth
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :
Exponential Growth features new work by Graphic Design and Illustration students from Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, one of a series of events celebrating the centenary of D'Arcy Thompson's landmark book On Growth and Form.
Over the past few weeks, the students have created an amazing variety of sketches, objects, illustrations, collages and magazine layouts inspired by D’Arcy’s ideas and collections, the best of which will be shown in the exhibition.
Open now and running until into the New Year - details below :
University of Dundee
Thursday, 9 November 2017
Getting things done - Logie Avenue #dundeewestend
Residents recently brought to my attention two big potholes on the southern carriageway of Logie Avenue, near its junction with Glenagnes Road.
I brought this to the attention of the council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and have now been updated as follows :
"An order has been raised for the repair of this pothole on Logie Avenue with a timescale for completion of approximately one week."
Logie Avenue
Wednesday, 8 November 2017
University of Dundee Culture Day - today!
The Thirteenth Annual University of Dundee Culture Day :
Today - Wednesday 8th November 2017, 1.30pm-5pm
Lecture Theatre 1, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee
This year the University's annual Culture Day takes Growth as its theme, reflecting several important anniversaries – the centenary of D’Arcy Thompson’s On Growth and Form; the 350th anniversary of Jonathan Swift, author of Gulliver’s Travels (in which size really matters); and the University’s own growth as we celebrate our 50th anniversary as an independent institution.
Full details here.
You can still book your free place via Eventbrite here.
University of Dundee
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Police Community Surgeries in the West End #dundeewestend
The next West End Police Surgery takes place at the Mitchell Street Centre later today - details below :
Mitchell Street
Monday, 6 November 2017
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
A85 Riverside Drive – prohibition of right turn from westbound lane of Riverside Drive into Riverside approach and prohibition of right turn from Riverside Approach in to Riverside Drive for 5 weeks for works to the sea wall. Prohibitions will only be in place when required.
A85 Riverside Drive (at Railway Station) – east bound nearside lane closure for 4 weeks for SGN essential value maintenance.
Sunday, 5 November 2017
Dundee Botanic Garden event today #dundeewestend
From the Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden :
The next event arranged by the Friends committee is today - Sunday 5th November - at 2pm in the Education Centre.
Dr Alan Barclay, who can occasionally be seen ringing birds in the Garden, will give a talk on birds and bird ringing.
This event is free to members of the Friends, but guests are welcome and are invited to make a donation.
Botanic Garden
Saturday, 4 November 2017
Union Place Car Park #dundeewestend
Further to my recent article about the lack of maintenance of the Miller's Wynd Car Park, residents have also pointed to the poor condition of the infrastructure of the council's Union Place car park - see photos below :
I have raised this with the City Council and Neighbourhood Services' Projects and Development Manager has advised :
"We are currently reviewing all soft landscaping within all the car parks with a view to carrying out improvements in terms of sight lines, aged plantings , tree works etc .
We are pulling this together and working (to) ... hopefully having works planned for over the winter months."
union place
Friday, 3 November 2017
Road issue - Elliot Road #dundeewestend
Residents have drawn to my attention an apprently forgotten road excavation in Elliot Road - see below :
I have asked the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership to ascertain responsibility - I suspect a utility - and request this gets completed as soon as possible.
Elliot Road
Thursday, 2 November 2017
Blackness Street - leaves #dundeewestend
Residents have contacted me about the extent of fallen leaves on the pavement of Blackness Street - see below :
I have asked the City Council's Neighbourhood Services to attend to this.
Blackness Street
Wednesday, 1 November 2017
Take pride in your city events - November #takepridedundee #dundee
Dundee City Council
Miller's Wynd Car Park #dundeewestend
The acquisition by Dundee City Council of the Miller's Wynd Car Park - from the University of Dundee - has provided much-needed additional free 2 hour parking in this area of Perth Road.
However, residents have pointed out the poor maintenance of the car park - the foliage is very tired, for example - see below :
I contacted the City Council about this and the Head of Roads and Transportation has advised :
"We will ensure it is clean and tidy in terms of litter and dumped materials such as the pallets. However we will need to speak with colleagues regarding the vegetation and what is acceptable in terms of a clear out.

Nearby, on Perth Road itself, is a phone box in a poor state of repair - see right. Following residents raising the condition of it with me, I contacted BT and have had the following update from the company :
"... an engineer will be out in the next few days to repair and clean the payphone."
Millers Wynd
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