Monday 30 April 2007

Pavements - Blackness Road

I recently mentioned in my FOCUS newsletter about the planned footpath upgrade in part of Blackness Road. This is now underway as the photos below show. Many thanks indeed to Donald Suttie ( for these.

Saturday 28 April 2007

Six Cities Design Festival

The Six Cities Design Festival has finalised its programme of events and exhibitions. The festival will celebrate and promote design in all of Scotland's six cities, and Dundee is playing a leading part.
By checking you can have a look at the varied line-up and book a place for any of the events that might take your interest.

Friday 27 April 2007

Milnbank Road and Morven Terrace

Had complaints from residents that the electricity sub-station in Milnbank Road (near to Bankmill Road and the playpark) is badly graffitied (see right). I have reported this to Scottish & Southern Electric asking for it to be tidied up.
In my recent FOCUS Special Edition for Ancrum and Pentland areas, I highlighted the visit I had recently made to meet residents in Morven Terrace who pointed out that the pavement at the entrance is so narrow that many elderly people walk at the side of the road and there is no "Elderly Persons Crossing" warning sign near the entrance (there is one in the car park; rather the wrong location!) Furthermore a "slow" sign as you exit the Terrace is bent and covered by a hedge. Having reported this to the City Council, I have now had the following feedback from the Director of Planning & Transportation :
"The site has been investigated. and I have requested the maintenance section to repair / replace the 'bent' sign and arrange for the foliage to be cut back. The 'elderly persons' crossing sign will be repositioned."

Support coming from many places!!

Thursday 26 April 2007

Dundee Double for Sheena!

With thanks to Sheena Wellington for this latest news :
Dundee singer Sheena Wellington will be appearing at both of the city’s Universities next week!

On Monday 30th April, she’ll be providing the songs at The Big Work Debate hustings at Abertay (tickets from or 01382 221545).

On Saturday 5th May she’ll be at Dundee University Chaplaincy for an evening of music and song relating to the period around the Act of Union of 1707 (Tickets £5.00 from 07732 752 609) Also appearing

The Chaplaincy event, which will include a performance of Sir John Clark of Penicuik’s Leo Scotiae and songs from Mark Ashmore and Nicola Cowmeadow, has meant a lot of research particularly on the pro-Union songs.

“The Unionist cause may have won in 1707 but they certainly lost the battle of the songs!” said Sheena “We were spoiled for choice with the anti-Union & Jacobite material but it was a struggle finding a couple of Whig songs worth singing which were reasonably contemporary with the events!”

Sheena has sung at several of Lesley Riddoch’s Votepods has enjoyed the passion and power of the debates and expects Dundee to top the lot. Her efforts to appear in strictly non partisan colours took a knock at the Glasgow event when the Scottish Voice candidate arrived wearing a rosette the exact lilac shade of her suit!

‘Ane end of ane old song’: An evening of music and song from the Union of 1707 and its aftermath

University of Dundee, Chaplaincy Centre
Saturday, 5 May 2007
with Mark Ashmore (bass), Nicola Cowmeadow (soprano), Graeme Stevenson Ensemble & Sheena Wellington

Tickets cost £5.00 and are available from Dr Derek J. Patrick or call 07732 752 609 for information and bookings.

The Great Work Debate, April 30th – 7.00pm,
Main Lecture Theatre, Abertay University, Dundee.
Music from Sheena Wellington. Free tickets by e-mailing
the organisers at Dundee Voluntary Action or phone 01382 221545

Wednesday 25 April 2007

Consultation on proposed traffic orders - West End and City Centre

The City Council has advised me of Notices of Proposal related to Traffic Orders that will be advertised in the local press on Friday of this week :


(NO 2) ORDER 2007

Dundee City Council propose to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of varying the provisions of several Waiting Restriction Orders affecting the City. The effect of the Order is set out in the Schedule below.

Full details of the proposals are contained in the draft Order which together with plans showing the lengths of road affected and a Statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined during normal office hours and without payment of fee during a period of 21 days from 27 April 2007 at the following addresses: -

1. Dundee City Council Offices, 4th Floor Reception, 21 City Square, Dundee.
2. Broughty Ferry Neighbourhood Library, Queen Street, Broughty Ferry, Dundee.

Any person may within 21 days from 27 April 2007 object to the proposed Order by notice in writing to the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services), Dundee City Council, 21 City Square, Dundee. Objections should state the name and address of objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which they are made.


1. To relieve congestion in Brook Close, Dudhope Crescent Road Car Park Access Road, Fisher Street, Broughty Ferry, George Street/Quarryknowe, Long Lane, Magdalen Yard Road/Richmond Terrace and Upper Constitution Street.
2. To protect sightlines in Forest Park Place/Forest Park Road, Forthill Road, Liff Road/Quarryside/Perrie Street, Lochee Road and Strathmore Avenue."
(There are 5 more parts to the schedule but the two above include all those related to the West End, amongst others)


Dundee City Council propose to make an Order under the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984. As part of environmental improvements in Albert Square and the relocation of the taxi rank to a point west of Reform Street it is no longer necessary to allow taxis in Meadowside on the south side of Albert Square.

Full details of the proposals are contained in the draft Order, which together with a Statement of the Council’s reasons for proposing to make the Order may be examined during normal office hours and without payment of fee at Dundee City Council offices, Reception, Floor 4, 21 City Square, Dundee by any person, during a period of 21 days from 27 April 2007.

Any person may within 21 days from 27 April 2007 object to the proposed Order by notice in writing to the Depute Chief Executive (Support Services), Dundee City Council, 21 City Square, Dundee. Objections should state the name and address of the objector, the matters to which they relate and the grounds on which they are made."

Friends of Magdalen Green Blog!

Taking a few minutes out of the local election campaign last night, I have now created a Friends of Magdalen Green blog - with thanks to the Group for the material and photographs used to get it started.
You can access it by clicking the headline above.

Tuesday 24 April 2007

Beautiful campaigning day!

Apart from a short time helping Chris Hall, our Lochee Ward candidate in Menzieshill this afternoon, I have spent most of today campaigning in the West End. It was a lovely morning - the photo above was taken in Blackness Road - and I can honestly say that my third election campaign is proving to be by far the most enjoyable.
Very grateful to the City Council's Rapid Response Team who spent one and a half hours yesterday removing graffiti in the area of the 100 steps in Perth Road, following my request.

Sunday 22 April 2007

Good news at Victoria Park!

Further to the recent article and photo about the graffiti mess at Victoria Park (click on headline above to view) - and the promise to me that the City Council would get community services to have it painted, pleased today to see it has been done (see right).

However, there's still a huge amount of graffiti across the City - not just in the West End - and we are specifically proposing an additional Rapid Response Team whose sole responsibility will be graffiti-busting, as part of our 2007 local election campaign in the City.

The local campaign here in the West End is going extremely well and I am most grateful to all residents who have phoned, written or e-mailed with messages of support - much appreciated!

Union Street and new housing office official opening

Following my earlier article about the new West District Housing Office (click on headline above to view), I attended the official opening on Friday. Much improved facilities - for both the public and staff - compared to the previous offices.
I had recently received a complaint about the bus facilities in Union Street. I have now received a response from the Planning & Transportation Department saying that the facilities in Union Street (full length) are to be renewed but as part of the improvement programme for the street, which is some time off. Therefore, meantime, the officer advises - "I will investigate the costs of providing a bench."

Friday 20 April 2007

Wednesday & Thursday

Attended Blackness Area Residents' Association meeting on Wednesday evening and been spending much time campaigning across the West End.
Yesterday, met with Housing Department staff at Pentland to look at the parking problems. We agreed that I will now formally request that the department carries out a feasibility study to look at options to improve the situation. There are clearly physical limitations - the steepness west of Saggar Street for example - although we did see scope for extending the turning circle area at the top end of Pentland Crescent & providing more parking. This could be done without a loss of trees.
On Saturday past I reported on the blog the damage to the bus stop opposite Clayhills Grove (see previous story by clicking on headline above) - pleased to receive following feedback from the City Council:
"Further to my last e mail the Elite solar bus stop pole that was damaged in Perth Road has been repaired and checked operational."

Tuesday 17 April 2007

Monday and Tuesday

Monday morning saw a useful planning meeting of the steering group of Western Cemetery Association - I have put together a blog for the group (click on headline above to view) using material they have gathered.
Last night saw the last full Council and main committee meetings before the May elections. The Finance Committee, which I chair, had a sensible report on ways to increase Direct Debit payment of Council Tax - an area in which the City Council is improving.
Today, Nicol Stephen MSP, Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader, visited Dundee and toured the vastly improved facilities at St John's High School. Photos below show Nicol with myself and our Dundee West parliamentary candidate (Michael Charlton) and our other Dundee West City Council candidates (Helen Dick, Chris Hall and Murray Dick); also me at the Nicol Battle Bus!
Tonight, we held a very productive planning meeting of Friends of Magdalen Green.
I'll be posting full details of its inaugural public meeting on the blog in early May.

Sunday 15 April 2007

Magdalen Green, Seafield Lane

Again, a beautiful day! Whilst campaigning earlier on, came across bags of rubbish dumped besides waste bins and dog bins on the edge of Magdalen Green next to Magdalen Yard Road (see right) - I have reported this to the City Council.
Now trawling through my e-mails and note feedback from Home in Scotland regarding my request for a further "Residents' Parking Only" sign residents in Seafield Lane had requested given the extent of other cars parking in the narrow lane:

"...we will arrange for a sign to be put up as soon as possible. Hopefully this will help to alleviate the problem."

Saturday 14 April 2007

Beautiful Saturday!

The Macpherson Team had a super day in the West End (to be accurate, we spent the morning helping elsewhere across the City) but the afternoon was spent in the West End campaigning. The reception has been exceptionally positive and I am grateful to all residents for their support.
Whilst campaigning in Perth Road, I noticed the bus stop information panel opposite Clayhills Grove has been vandalised (see below); have reported this to the City Council.

Can I thank everyone helping us today - a real team effort - many thanks!

Friday 13 April 2007

Graffiti in the West End again ...

And further to my blog entries earlier this week on the subject of graffiti, pleased to see in tonight's Evening Telegraph that our local Police are stepping up patrols in the West End to hopefully tackle the problem. Click on the headline above to view story.

New housing office

The new West District housing office opens on Monday coming (16th April) and covers council housing services in our area of the City - you can read more about the new office by clicking on the headline above.

Thursday 12 April 2007

Victoria Park

In the recent Evening Telegraph item about graffiti (referred to below) I mentioned the graffiti in Victoria Park residents have complained about.
Pleased therefore to receive this from the City Council Leisure & Communities Department today in relation to the badly graffitied white building :
"I will have community services have this repainted"

Wednesday 11 April 2007

Latest West End Updates

Firstly, following a call from a concerned resident today to the effect that the "infra red" detector on the traffic lights at the top of Shepherd's Loan have stopped operating (meaning that your car can sit there forever waiting on the green light), I spoke with the Planning & Transportation Department & the matter will be immediately investigated.
I recently raised the condition of the roadway at the Glamis Road/Drive/Blackness Road roundabout and received the following feedback from the City Council this afternoon:

"Over the winter, the roundabout at Glamis Road / Glamis Drive did receive temporary treatment for pothole defects. The area road inspector has confirmed that these have now been permanently patched with hot material and this work was carried out during the week beginning 02/04/2007."
The Evening Telegraph tonight featured an article about the graffiti issue I mentioned yesterday (click on headline above to view the story) and the paper called me today about the matter I spoke about at the Community Council meeting last night regarding residents' concerns about helicopter noise around the Dundee Airport vicinity. I have been in touch with the Airport Manager about these concerns.

Tuesday 10 April 2007

Good news at Sinderins!

Pleased to learn today that the graffiti on the very prominent utilities boxes at Sinderins junction has been cleared off, following my request. As you can see, it looks a whole lot improved.

The Evening Telegraph has contacted me today about the graffiti issue; this is an area where the City Council has been very proactive, reaching agreement with Virgin Media (formerly Telewest) about action to remove graffiti.
One other site I have asked to be given priority given the extent of residents' complaints is at Corso Street (see below left). I have also asked the Leisure & Communities Department to remove graffiti at Victoria Park (below right).
Useful meeting with the River Crescent Residents' Association last night about a number of issues including the noise of helicopters from Dundee Airport.
Tonight the West End Community Council meets - you can get further details/agenda by clicking on the headline above.

Monday 9 April 2007

West End Community Council Update - April 2007

You can read my latest Community Council Update by clicking on the headline above.
The Community Council meets tomorrow night at Logie St John's Cross Church Hall at 7pm.

Sunday 8 April 2007

Happy Easter!

Can I wish everyone a very Happy Easter.
Beautiful weather has made campaigning in the City Council elections a thoroughly enjoyable experience thus far and we had a super day yesterday in various parts of the City.
The lane closure on South Marketgait has now been temporarily lifted - click on headline above to view more.

Saturday 7 April 2007

Phone Box Success!

Back in December, I raised the issue of the "missing door" on Milnbank Road's phone box and the problems I had encountered trying to get a response from BT to get it fixed. Click on the headline above to view the original story.

Anyway, despite assurances the company would try to fit a new door in January, it didn't happen, so I have since been in touch with BT again and this time it has paid off - there's now a new door on the box - see right (taken in last week's brilliant sunshine!)

Friday 6 April 2007

Busy week!

In my blog of 17th March, I reported that I had asked the Waste Management Department for a new litter bin in Blackness Street following the bin being burnt (see story by clicking headline above). Pleased to report that a new bin has now been provided (see right).
Grateful to all residents who have wished me the best for May 3rd's City Council elections - really heartened by the really positive feedback locally.
Had a useful meeting with the Lord Provost and representatives of the Western Cemetery Association at the City Chambers yesterday - we are getting to the stage of the Association being formally set up with a Constitution, Office Bearers, etc, which will then allow it to seek funding for improvement works at the Cemetery. The Cemetery has an absolutely fascinating past.
Have been in touch with the City Council again about the graffiti mess at Victoria Park and with Servite Housing about damage to the entrance sign at Muirlands sheltered housing.

Wednesday 4 April 2007

Graffiti on Utilities Boxes

Residents will be aware that I have raised with the City Council on numerous occasions the problem of graffiti on utilities boxes. The Council has spoken with the principal owner (a TV cable company) and agreement has been reached regarding removal.
The council surveyed the problem across the City and is now tackling them. I recently specifically sent reminders about Sinderins and also raised the issue at Ancrum Drive/Road (and some others), following residents' complaints. I have received this feedback from Waste Management today, which is helpful :

"I've asked the team to prioritise the boxes at Sinderins and to rank the other boxes in order of priority. We are aware of the boxes at Ancrum."

Monday 2 April 2007

Benvie Road, Mitchell Street, Fyffe Street

Spent the last few days campaigning right across the West End, with super feedback (and rather super weather too!)
Had the following feedback from the Acting Chief Engineer about my request to resurface Fyffe Street and Benvie Road (road surfaces really poor) :
"I have asked one of the officers to inpect Fyffe Street and Benvie Road. The 07/08 programme is just about completed."
With regard to graffiti problems in the Fyffe Street and Benvie Road area, good feedback from Waste Management whose officers have spoken with local businesses. They have agreed to remove graffiti on their premises - the department will equally be removing graffiti from the Mitchell Street Centre area.