Tuesday 31 March 2020

Road/pavement works - Benvie Road - suspended #dundeewestend

I have had enquiries from residents about signage that appeared on Benvie Road last week - near the junction with Benvie Gardens - that indicated forthcoming road/pavement works.

I have spoken with council roads engineers and this work was to have been undertaken by SSE contractors to instal a new electricity supply.

However, non-essential/non-urgent work of this kind is now suspended during the COVID-19 health emergency, so the work is not now going ahead and will be undertaken at a later date.

The signage has now been removed.

Monday 30 March 2020

Suspend West End car parking charges! #dundeewestend

I have been contacted by numerous residents in the West End who use the seven cars parks that recently had car park charges imposed for the first time - charges I have strongly opposed.

The residents have pointed out that, as the advice is to work from home where possible during the COVID-19 health emergency, it seems perverse to charge people to park near their homes when the council has suspended car parking charges in several car parks in the city centre.    

The city centre decision is very helpful - to assist key workers - but I am adament that the suspension of parking charges must also apply to people working from home as they are following the advice to do so.

If Angus Council can do this for its car parks, so can Dundee City Council for the seven West End car parks.

I have requested that City Development at the council do this ASAP.    The Director of City Development and the leader of the council is aware of this request.

I will keep residents updated.

Sunday 29 March 2020

New funding launched to help young people in Dundee going through bereavement

Co-op Foundation and partners Co-op Funeralcare are to deliver £50,000 of funding for youth bereavement projects in Dundee, which is very good news. 

Organisations in Dundee can now apply for grants of up to £10,000 for projects that help young people support each other during bereavement.  

Grants are available through the Co-op Foundation’s #iwill Fund. The Foundation expects to make about five grants in total and organisations have until 12 noon on Friday 3rd April to apply at www.coopfoundation.org.uk.  

Successful applicants from across Dundee can access funding for social action projects that equip young people with the skills they need to provide peer support. Grants could also help young people to use their experiences as a way to speak up and recommend how local services can help other bereaved young people.  

Co-op Funeralcareacross Dundee are partners in this latest round of funding. Their involvement is in direct response to findings from its ‘biggest ever survey’, which surveyed over 30,000 people to understand the nation’s experiences and attitudes towards death, dying and bereavement.  

This survey found that 16 to 29-year-olds are the age group most likely to bottle up grief*, with just under a quarter (24%) saying they ‘kept it to themselves’ when suffering a bereavement. Young people were also most likely to be left out of social arrangements because of bereavement.  

Jim Cooke, Head of Co-op Foundation said: “As the Co-op’s charity, we’re delighted to be partnering with Co-op Funeralcare to provide grants through our #iwill Fund. Losing a close friend or family member is difficult at any age, and it can be particularly tough for young people who might be dealing with other pressures at home, at school or in their social lives.   

“Helping others going through similar experiences is a great way for young people to build their confidence, skills and sense of belonging. And by recommending how others can support bereaved young people better, they can make a long-term difference for their peers.”   

David Collingwood, Director of Funerals for Co-op Funeralcare said: “At Co-op Funeralcare, we understand how experiencing a bereavement can have a major impact on the life of an individual, and this is even more pronounced when it happens at a young age. 

“Bereavement is unique to every person, and everyone chooses to deal with the loss of a loved one in different ways. It’s a long process, but the long term support of others is essential when trying to overcome the hurdles grief entails. Co-op Funeralcare has seen first-hand the importance of support groups within the community and we are honoured to be part of this crucial initiative.” 

The Co-op Foundation’s #iwill Fund supports the aims of the #iwill campaign that wants to make social action a part of life for as many 10 to 20-year-olds as possible.  

The Foundation has already invested £2m into tackling youth loneliness through youth social action. Grants available from today form part of a £3m extension that will also see young people campaign to improve community spaces and support each other during the move from primary to secondary school.   

Funding also supports Co-op’s Co-operate 2022 community plan that aims to improve communities’ spaces, skills and wellbeing. Read more about this at www.coop.co.uk/communities   

For more information on the Co-op Foundation and to apply for funding, visit www.coopfoundation.org.uk   

The #iwill Fund is a £40 million joint investment from The National Lottery Community Fund, using National Lottery funding, and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) to support young people to access high quality social action opportunities. Co-op Foundation acts as a match funder.  

Saturday 28 March 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Glamis Road (at Carseview Gardens) – off-peak temporary traffic lights on Saturday 28 March for telecom mast maintenance.


West Marketgait (Argyllgait to Nethergate) – overnight (7.00pm - 3.00am) southbound nearside lane closure on Monday 30 March for Scottish Water work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Nablus Avenue (at rising bollard) – closed overnight (7.00pm – 6:00am) on Wednesday 8 April for Scottish Water manhole repair works.

Friday 27 March 2020

Friends of Wighton update

From Sheena Wellington :

I am sure you expected this but, sadly, the current Covid-19 health emergency means all classes, recitals and concerts at Wighton Heritage Centre, Dundee are cancelled until further notice. 

We have had to cancel some first rate artists and, as you will know, this is a tough time for musicians who have all seen months of gigs, their livelihood,  disappear almost overnight. 

Below are links to the websites of the artists we have had to cancel. 

Buying or downloading a CD through their webpage would help them and entertain you if you have to be in lockdown! 

They are all very good, of course,  otherwise I would not have booked them!

Take care and keep well


Sandy Brechin      - www.brechin-all-records.com
Ian Walker Band  - www.ianwalkeronline.com
Bill Adair              - www.billadair.net/content/home-page

Thursday 26 March 2020

Dundee Green Walk - postponed

Wednesday 25 March 2020

Getting things done - Saggar Street #dundeewestend

I recently received complaints about potholes in Saggar Street at the bottom near the junction with City Road and half way up  the Saggar Street hill.

I reported these to the council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and the matter was very promptly tackled - response below :

"Bailie Macpherson

Thank you for your email. An order has already been raised for pothole repairs to be carried out and these will be done in the near future if not already done."

Tuesday 24 March 2020

Great work by our friends at Feeling Strong​!

"Feeling Strong is delivering Food and Care Packages to those who are self-isolating as a result of COVID-19. These food packages will provide vital products that people who are self-isolating may not be able to get themselves, and the allocation of the packages will be conducted on a needs assessed basis.

We desperately need donations so we can shop and get these to vulnerable people in Dundee - please spare what you can and thank you in advance for supporting your community - click here.

If you would like to order a package then you can do so here.

We've changed our Drop-in service to a Video Chat service to make sure those struggling with self-isolation, or the lack of services at this difficult time, can still get the support they need:

- Receive Peer Support from members of our team
- Talk about the difficulties of isolation, and ask for a food/care package to be delivered
- Talk about mental health, recovery and self-care
- Learn about our services and what other mental health activities are going on in Dundee

The service runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 1500-1800. Visit book.feelingstrong.co.uk to make an appointment, or please pass this along if you know anyone who might benefit from it.

We've decided that a one-stop shop for general COVID-19 guidance, Dundee-specific guidance and information about helpful mental health services together in one place would be a really great idea! So we did!

Please note that this is still a work in progress and will be updated as the situation progresses.

You can find the site by clicking here". 

Monday 23 March 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Perth Road (at Riverside Place) – temporary traffic lights for one week for Scottish Water work.

Glamis Road (at Carseview Gardens) – off peak temporary traffic lights from Thursday 26 to Saturday 28 March for telecom mast maintenance.

Forthcoming Roadworks

West Marketgait (Argyllgait to Nethergate) – overnight (7.00pm - 3.00am) southbound nearside lane closure on Monday 30 March for Scottish Water work.

Sunday 22 March 2020

COVID 19 emergency - Xplore Dundee bus service changes #dundeewestend

Further to the information I shared yesterday on my Facebook page about changes to Stagecoach Bus Services.   

This is the position regarding Xplore Dundee from tomorrow with links to the Xplore services in the West End.

Xplore Dundee advises :

“Due to the decision to close city schools, we are temporarily reducing service provision to public holiday levels. This will apply from Monday 23rd March.    Xplore Dundee is committed to doing its part to keep essential workers moving - those in hospitals, supermarkets and other frontline services. 

Frequencies on core services will reduce during the day, but most morning journeys will be maintained to ensure vital access to locations such as Ninewells Hospital.    Services 4 | 23 will be temporarily suspended - but we are in discussion with Dundee City Council about alternative provision in the meantime.*

We may move to further restrictions soon after this as things progress. We will keep this website and social media channels updated.”

* I have asked Dundee City Council for details of what can be provided to support the Service 4 route

Links to public holiday timetables that are for services that cover the West End :

Services 5 | 9/10 - https://nxbus.co.uk/files/NXDundee/Coronavirus-Timetables/XD-5-9-10-CoronavirusPHTimetable.pdf 

Service 17 - https://nxbus.co.uk/files/NXDundee/Coronavirus-Timetables/XD-15-17-CoronavirusPHTimetable.pdf 

Service 22 - https://nxbus.co.uk/files/NXDundee/Coronavirus-Timetables/XD-22-CoronavirusPHTimetable.pdf 

Services 28/29 - https://nxbus.co.uk/files/NXDundee/Coronavirus-Timetables/XD-28-29-CoronavirusPHTimetable.pdf 

Updates from Xplore Dundee are posted at https://nxbus.co.uk/dundee/information/service-alerts/covid19-service-updates

Suzy Scott has kindly done a great job on the dundeebuses.info site of putting together comprehensive information on all bus services during the health emergency – see http://dundeebuses.info/?page_id=1624 

See also below from Suzy :

Saturday 21 March 2020

Friday 20 March 2020

Balgay Hill road safety - an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that I recently had a meeting with a senior member of environment management at the City Council and with two Balgay Park regular users about safety concerns about the speed of some vehicles using the road up to the observatory.

I have now received feedback on actions council management has taken thus far following this meeting :

"Cleaning and signage,
The roads have been mechanically swept and the speed limit is clear to see from road markings and vertical signage. However to compliment this I still intend to add new signage at the entrance providing awareness and educational message. 

Following discussion with Leisure and Culture Dundee (LACD),  I also confirm that we plan to work together to improve directional signage leading to the observatory.

Barrier security, 
Due to operational requirements LACD employees open the barriers when they arrive for duty which is in advance of the public opening times as they have other duties to fulfil in the observatory, unfortunately it is not practical for members of staff to open and secure/close barrier as they come in and then have to come back to re open the barrier for the public opening times. Following discussion with my colleague at LACD I am in agreement that this most practical option available and I am happy to confirm most recent opening timings once received.

Speed bumps, 
Our officers have met with City Development engineers to gain advise on the type, placement and costs for the potential installation of speed bumps and await a response.  

Blocked areas, 
Upon inspection 2 locations which should have rock armour in place and had been moved for operation work requirements, these shall be replaced to ensure the area is blocked off to vehicles.  

Speeding/driver behaviour,
Information received regarding the vehicle speeding etc was passed to our LACD colleagues and understand this has been addressed.

I hope you find this information helpful and will come back to you once I have more information relating to the speed bumps."

I have fed back some very useful feedback from park users to this response and welcome further feedback.   It is important that the safety issues are comprehensively tackled.

Thursday 19 March 2020

A reminder - ward surgeries #dundeewestend

Just a reminder on the day my Thursday surgery at Blackness Primary School would have normally taken place, due to the COVID-19 emergency situation, surgeries are suspended.

See below - which also gives my contact details - many thanks :

Wednesday 18 March 2020

Amazon vans concern tackled #dundeewestend

I have recently had complaints about the extent of white vans parked at various locations north of the Amazon site on Riverside Avenue - for example on Perth Road near to the Invercarse Hotel.

This is not a new problem in that I had complaints last year from Riverside Drive near Vernonholme and in Newhall Gardens.   At the time, the then Amazon Delivery Station Manager resolved matters.

I took this most recent series of concerns to the new Delivery Station Manager who responded very promptly and positively as follows :

"Thanks for letting me know about the issues our neighbours are having. I have already briefed the delivery companies with regards to not leaving vans out on the street. I drove through Perth Road and some of the adjacent roads ... (around 03:00) to see the extend of vans being left- and have found 8-10 vans which look like they could belong to the one of our providers. 

I have sent an email to will brief  all delivery service companies again this morning to get these vans picked up by the hire company.

As for blocking the bus lanes and Perth Road in the morning, I can only assume that this is due to the drivers arriving early for work and not having space in the yard to park. We are working on securing perminant additional parking to ensure we have somewhere for drivers who arrive early to go. 

Again, I will brief the delivery service partners on ensuring they don’t block the road or public transport areas.

Please let me know if this continues. I will make sure we are monitoring it from our side as well.

Thanks again for raising your constituency members concerns. I’ll ensure we get this resolved."

Tuesday 17 March 2020

Getting things done - Union Place #dundeewestend

I recently had complaints from residents about potholes at the entrance to the south car park in Union Place and reported this to the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership.

I have received the following postive response :

"Bailie Macpherson

Thank you for your email. Pothole repairs have been ordered by the Road Maintenance inspector."

Monday 16 March 2020

Important Notice : Weekly ward surgeries #dundeewestend

Normally, my Monday West End Ward surgeries would be taking place later today at Harris Academy and the Mitchell Street Centre.

After much thought, I have taken the decision to suspend surgeries with effect from today, given the on-going situation concerning Coronavirus disease (COVID-19).

I am very conscious that many of the residents who attend the three surgeries I run every week are elderly and at higher risk.   

It makes no sense to hold public surgeries when all residents can contact me in other ways and residents are very welcome to call me at home on Dundee 459378 or by e-mail at surgery@frasermacpherson.org.uk.

I feel sure residents will agree this is a responsible decision given the present health emergency and I will review matters in the coming weeks.

Sunday 15 March 2020

Temporary Traffic Order - Smellies Lane

From Dundee City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of road safety improvement works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Smellies Lane (at its junction with Lochee Road), Dundee

This notice comes into effect on Monday 16 March for 5 working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Polepark Road / Brewery Lane.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Saturday 14 March 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



West Marketgait (Greenmarket to Nethergate) – northbound lane closure on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 March for building maintenance works.

Nethergate (South Tay Street to West Marketgait) – closed on Sunday 15 March for building maintenance works.


A90 Perth Road (at Bullionfield) – overnight (7.30pm - 6.30am) lane closures in both directions on Tuesday 17 March for traffic loop installation works.

Smellies Lane (junction with Lochee Road) – closed from Monday 16 March for 5 working days for road safety improvement works.

Lochee Road (at Smellies Lane) – off-peak temporary traffic lights for one week for refuge island installation.

Glamis Road (at Carseview Gardens) – off-peak temporary traffic lights from Thursday 19 to Saturday 21 March for telecom mast maintenance.

A90 Swallow roundabout – overnight (7.30pm - 6.30am) northbound lane closure on Friday 20 March for carriageway patching works.

Friday 13 March 2020

Thursday 12 March 2020

Wednesday 11 March 2020

Temporary Traffic Order - Nethergate

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of building cleaning works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Nethergate (from its junction with West Marketgait to its junction with South Tay Street), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on  Sunday 15th March 2020 for  one day.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Access to premises will be maintained where possible.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via West Marketgait/Hawkhill/Hunter Street/Old Hawkhill/South Tay Street and reverse.

For further information contact 433168.

Director of City Development          
Dundee City Council                       

Tuesday 10 March 2020

West End Community Council meeting #dundeewestend

West End Community Council meets at 7pm tonight at the Logie & St John's (Cross) Church Hall in Shaftesbury Terrace - all welcome!

The agenda is as follows :
TUESDAY 10th MARCH 2020 AT 7.00PM

11. DATE  OF  NEXT  MEETING, AGM – Tuesday 14th April 2020

Light refreshments will be provided.

Sunday 8 March 2020

School holidays provision from Revival Church in Taylor's Lane #dundeewestend

Just a reminder that, partnering with Dundee Bairns in 2020, Revival Church is proposing to provide school holidays provision of breakfast/lunch for disadvantaged and low income families' children.

This will take place at the church premises at 4 Taylor's Lane, just off the Perth Road – contact details below for all interested :

Saturday 7 March 2020

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



West Marketgait (Greenmarket to Nethergate) – northbound lane closure on Saturday 14 and Sunday 15 March for building maintenance works.

Nethergate (South Tay Street to West Marketgait) – closed on Sunday 15 March for building maintenance works.

Riverside Drive (at Tesco roundabout) – eastbound lane closure for one week for water connection works.

Friday 6 March 2020

Residents' parking consultation - a reminder #dundeewestend

Just a reminder that the first of two drop-in events to consult residents about a possible residents' parking scheme for part of the West End takes place at Blackness Library tomorrow - all welcome :

Thursday 5 March 2020

Getting things done - Greenbank Place #dundeewestend

Last week, residents drew to my attention to the fact that part of the boundary fence in Greenbank Place had fallen - see photo :

I am grateful to the City Council for responding to my request to have it repaired.    This has now taken place.

Wednesday 4 March 2020

Ellis O‘Connor - Artist's Talk

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

Ellis’s O’Connor’s dramatic paintings of North Uist currently on show in the Tower Foyer Gallery are the perfect complement to all this stormy weather! 

On Friday 6th March at 6pm, Ellis will be returning to Dundee to give a free talk about her work and about the extraordinary places she has visited on artist’s residencies, including Iceland, Norway and the Svalbard Archipelago. 
Ellis’s talk, Drawing North, will take place in the D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum, Carnelley Building. Please enter by the main front entrance of the building. Refreshments will be served after the talk. Admission is free but it would be helpful if you could book a place here.

Tuesday 3 March 2020

Friends of Wighton event

From Sheena Wellington :

Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library - Wednesday 4th March - 1.15pm - 1.45pm     Lesley Ann McLuckie, singer

Singer Lesley Ann McLuckie is one of the hidden gems of the Scottish music scene.  Though she has always loved traditional song, work and family commitments curtailed her involvement until a meeting with Maureen Jelks, through a carers singing group, led to friendship and involvement in the Angus Trad Roots sessions.

She regards the Fisherman's session in Broughty Ferry as her second home and it was there she received the ultimate accolade for a traditional singer – an invitation to sing in 'The Worlds Room” in Edinburgh.

Admission free, donations welcomed. 

Sunday 1 March 2020

Temporary Traffic Order - Milnbank Road

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of BT cabling works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Milnbank Road (between Bankmill Road and Rosefield Street), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Monday 2 March 2020 for 1 day.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Milnbank Road / Polepark Road / Lochee Road / Tullideph Road / City Road.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council