Monday 20 May 2013

City Council meetings

After my weekly ward surgeries at Harris Academy and the Mitchell Street Centre, I took part in City Council committee meetings at which :

* At Education Committee, in a discussion on the funding of the rebuilding of Harris Academy, I sought assurances about the level of the Scottish Government's part-funding of the project.

* At Environment Committee, I welcomed a report on promoting bowling in the city and pointed to the facility at Lochee Park and why it would be good to see the second green utilised and the Bowling Green's building improved.    I also welcomed improvements planned for tennis facilities across Dundee, including a new porous macadam surface for the Victoria Park Tennis Courts (which, incidentally, were part-flooded today across the existing blaize court surface - the new surface will make a real difference).

* At Policy & Resources Committee, I welcomed Common Good Funding for the Tay Rail Bridge Disaster Memorial Trust, the High Mill Open Gallery Project and three other worthwhile groups.   I also spoke in favour of ensuring that young people are represented across the city's Local Community Planning Partnerships.