Monday 2 January 2023

Coach stop at Greenmarket #dundeewestend

We have in recent months received complaints about Greenmarket coach/bus stop.

The coaches to Edinburgh Airport and numerous coaches including holiday ones leave from there.

There’s no bus shelter and it is very exposed – so we asked the City Council if it would consider provision of a shelter at this location.

The Team Leader, Parking & Sustainable Transport advised us :

"Unfortunately there is currently no budget available for new bus shelters.

We are in on-going discussion with a number of different coach operators about suitable locations for long distance coach operations serving Dundee and our request is that they look to use the Seagate Bus Station where a full range of passenger waiting facilities are already provided. Stagecoach East Scotland who own the bus station have indicated a general willingness to accommodate different coach operators.

On a practical note, at Greenmarket, the Ember coach drivers allow passengers to board for up to 15 minutes before the coach's scheduled departure time, thus minimising time that would be spent outside in inclement weather."

The lack of a budget for new bus shelters in a city of 150 000 residents is a real concern and shows the impact of years of poor council budget settlements by Scottish Government.