Tuesday 24 January 2023

Promotional sign at Tay Square #dundeewestend

As residents may be aware, Shopmobility Dundee was a charity that provided the use of mobility scooters, power and manual wheelchairs for all ages in and around the city centre, and it sadly closed recently after years of providing an excellent service.

One member of the former Shopmobility team has pointed out that the promotional sign in Tay Square (pictured) near to The Rep still features the service.

We have therefore asked the City Council to have the signage updated and the Head of Planning & Economic Development has advised :

"You may be aware that several of the wayfinding signs in the city centre area have been vandalised and we are in the process of repairing these.

Where appropriate, the content of signs is being updated as part of this work.

Thankfully, the sign at Tay Square has not suffered from vandalism, although we recognise that the information regarding Shopmobility is out of date.

There are signs at City Square and the Bus Station that will also need to be updated for the same reason.

We will seek to progress this, subject to funding being found."