Friday 26 May 2023

Getting things done - Marchfield Road #dundeewestend

Residents highlighted to us some weeks ago that there were potholes on Marchfield Road and we reported this back in April to the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership.

We were thereafter assured that an Order has been made to ensure repairs are undertaken.

Some repairs were indeed carried out but the road still has obvious defects and signs of deterioration so we asked the Roads Maintenance Partnership for an update.    We have now received the following feedback.

“Repairs were carried out on 17th April for the orders raised following your original report. The local inspector will check Marchfield Road again.”

This further inspection has taken place and we were advised thereafter :

“The local inspector has raised further Category 3 defects for Marchfield Road so the repair timescale again will be within thirty days.”

It is our view that Marchfield Road and Marchfield Crescent could benefit from resurfacing and we will continue to press for this to happen in future roads capital programmes.