Wednesday 10 May 2023

Road surface at West Park Road - an update #dundeewestend

As residents will be aware the section of West Park Road roughly north of the junction with Beechwood Terrace up to Blackness Road is a road in very poor condition.

Last year, we requested that it be considered for inclusion in the 2023/24 capital programme for resurfacing and this was agreed by the Roads Maintenance Partnership.

Unfortunately, thanks to the cut in the Roads Maintenance Partnership budget made by the SNP administration, it did not make it into the finalised programme this year and we again contacted the Roads Maintenance Partnership about this.

The Senior Engineer has since assured us as follows :

"West Park Road is right at the top of next year's list If anything drops out this year then we can do it. At the moment nothing is set to drop out but it is very early in the financial year."