Wednesday 30 April 2014

Progress with V&A at Dundee

Yesterday, along with a number of other councillors and council chief officers, I attended a very informative update from Philip Long, Director of V&A at Dundee, and Sarah Saunders, the project's Head of Learning and Engagement, on the project's progress and the development of learning and engagement activity.

Dundee's V&A Museum of Design is making impressive strides forward and it was good to hear of the initiatives to engage with target audiences, including :

Schools – Onsite and digital programmes and resources for pupils aged 3-18, teachers and trainee teachers – local, national and international; group visits.

Communities – Onsite and digital programmes and resources aimed at local communities and access and health and well-being groups.

Outreach – Local and national projects aimed at a variety of audiences.

Families – Local families with children aged 0-13 and national and international tourists visiting for the weekend or holidays.

Young People – Peer-led programmes for local young people and digital activity that reaches young people across Scotland.

Adults – Informal programmes for all levels of ability including group visits, programmes aimed specifically at creative industries and students, professional programmes and Design-led Business Innovation programmes aimed at businesses.

There is no doubt that Dundee's V&A Museum of Design will be a superb asset to our city and bring many new visitors to Dundee.