Wednesday 2 April 2014

New Bus Service 5 (and X5) bus timetable and route clarification

Further to my article yesterday about the proposed bus service changes from Sunday 4th May, I have since had confirmation that the Service 5 route will indeed be altered at its western end back to the pre-2012 route, ensuring that the far west of Perth Road in areas around Clovis Duveau Drive and Millbay Gardens/Terrace will again get access to this service.

Along with local residents, back in 2012, I campaigned against the loss of the Service 5 in this area and over 230 residents signed my petition to attempt to stop this area being cut out of the route.   It is therefore great for local residents that the service will restored.

As I indicated yesterday, there will be a revised Service 5 timetable and changes to the route, with the western end of the route now becoming a one-way loop so that from Ninewells Hospital (getting there by the current route – eg Tom McDonald Avenue) it goes to the Technology Park then Riverside Avenue and Perth Road and then the current route to the city centre.     

I have now had confirmation that this definitely means that the part of the route along the very furthest west part of Perth Road west of Tom McDonald Avenue will again have access to Service 5 buses – albeit in one direction – towards the city centre – only.

With thanks to again, the route/timetable is now available here.