Monday 17 December 2012

A busy Monday ...

A busy Monday started with raising constituent concerns about street lighting failing in Grosvenor Road.   The City Council's Street Lighting Partnership has responded as follows:
I have checked the fault with the lights in Grosvenor Road. our stand-by electrician was out over the weekend at the fault which appears to be an underground cable fault. In the short term I will have this repaired tomorrow and in the longer term replace the columns and lanterns in that area.
Later this morning, I was interviewed by both Wave 102 and Radio Tay News regarding my continuing concerns about the effect of the delay in completion of the new Olympia - as covered by today's Courier.   The Radio Tay News interview can be heard by clicking 'play' below:
Later today, I had a very useful and productive meeting with the new Police Inspector for the West End and Lochee, followed by an equally useful meeting with a local representative of Living Streets on the issue of 20mph zones in residential areas.

After my weekly ward surgeries at the Mitchell Street Centre and at Harris Academy, I took part in tonight's City Council Development Management Committee.   

I was pleased that the committee supported my motion to refuse planning permission for an advertising sign outside the newly improved frontage of the Duncan of Jordanstone building in Perth Road.    Committee voted 20-2 in support of my motion to refuse this advertising sign on the grounds that it fails to preserve or enhance the character of the surrounding Conservation Area.