Monday 1 August 2011

Wilkie's Lane

Last week, along with the Parish Priest and another representative of St Joseph's Church, I met with a Dundee City council officer on-site to look at the very overgrown trees across the roadway of Wilkie's Lane (see right).    

A City Council forestry officer had already confirmed that several tree limbs are weak and liable to fail and representatives from the adjacent church are naturally anxious to see necessary tree work carried out as soon as possible.

The situation relative to the roadway and the land on which the trees are situated is a little complicated given the recent re-adoption of the roadway (it having previously been a private road owned by the Education Department) and the impending land ownership changes as a result of the planned move of St Joseph's Primary School next year to its new site, but I have taken up the matter with Director of Education, seeking early action to undertake necessary work to the trees to make them safe.

I have also asked the street lighting partnership about improving the lighting in Wilkie's Lane at its southern end.