Sunday 12 July 2020

Bus services in the West End #dundeewestend

With thanks to Suzy Scott, there’s an update to bus services in Dundee and across the wider region.    Changes take effect today and you can read this here.

Key changes that affect the West End are :

Service 9/10 Outer Circle will see minor timetable changes every day (as a result of the 5 changes), including one extra early morning bus (06.24) from Barnhill to the City Centre and Ninewells Hospital. 

Services 15/17 will now combine to provide buses every 12 minutes Monday-Friday daytime (combined), with 15 running 3 buses an hour and 17 running twice an hour.

Service 22 Monday-Friday daytime Service is reduced to a bus every 10 minutes.

Service 28/29 Monday-Friday daytime Service is reduced to a bus every 10 minutes (combined), 20 minutes (each of 28/29).