Last night, at the City Development Committee, I revisited the issue and proposed the following new motion :
"Committee notes with concern that, following the consultation exercise in 2012 in part of the West End Ward relative to a possible residents’ parking scheme, the parking situation for residents and local businesses in the area concerned has worsened.
Committee therefore instructs the Executive Director of City Development to undertake a further informal consultation with community groups including West End Community Council, local residents, the business community and other stakeholders such as the University of Dundee, to ascertain views as to measures that may have public support for possible future introduction.
The outcomes of this informal consultation should thereafter be reported back to this committee to determine which measures have public support and are viable; and the potential scope of any residents’ parking scheme or schemes.
Committee also instructs the Executive Director of City Development to undertake this exercise and report back on his findings and recommendations to this committee as soon as staff resources allow."
I am pleased to say that, after an excellent deputation by two community representatives - Peter Menzies and Elaine Kuwahara - speaking in a personal capacity - and debate at committee, it was agreed that the possibility of progressing this through the Economic Development working group that is working on supporting new initiatives to support the Perth Road district shopping centre. This will be discussed at its next meeting and, if there is no swift progress, I have reserved by right to take the motion above back to City Development Committee.
This is the first positive move by the council to sort the parking situation since the failed 2012 consultation exercise and I am pleased that at last some progress has at least started. We now need momentum to really tackle and improve the parking situation.