Monday 14 March 2016

Police 999 and 101 call responses in Dundee

At tonight's meeting of the City Council's Policy and Resources Committee, I moved the following motion :

Committee notes, with concern, the decision by the Scottish Police Authority, to transfer all 999 and 101 call responses to three sites located in Bilston Glen, Motherwell and Govan, on or after 21st June 2016.
This will mean the loss of the 999 and 101 Dundee response centre, with the resultant loss of local knowledge in call handling, which committee views as a detrimental step.
Committee therefore instructs the Chief Executive to write to the Chair of the Scottish Police Authority Board and to the Police Scotland Chief Constable expressing concern at this decision and asking for this to be reviewed to allow the call handling of 999 and 101 calls in the Tayside and North Fife areas to be handled by the response centre in Dundee into the future.

My motion was unanimously accepted by committee, subject to a minor amendment to refer to "seeking assurances" rather than "expressing concern" which I was agreeable to, in order to obtain all-party agreement.