Thursday 15 February 2007

Speed limits - west end Perth Road and Riverside Drive

A longstanding issue for many residents has been whether or not the speed limit on Riverside Drive east of the Marmalade Pot (50 mph) and on the Perth Road west of Invercarse (40 mph) is appropriate; very many residents feel it is too high.
Given the lower 40 mph limit at the east end of the City (between Balgillo and Dobbie's Garden Centre) introduced fairly recently, I have raised the issue of the speed limits on Riverside Drive and Perth Road with the Director of Planning & Transportation again. I'll also be asking for residents' views in the next FOCUS newsletter.
Here's initial feedback from the Director today :
"I have urgently asked for speed surveys to be carried out on both roads and for all other available information such as accident histories etc.. to be collated so that a full engineering assessment can be made.
Once all this information is available I will contact you with regard to a recommendation."