Saturday 2 December 2023

A big West End Christmas Fortnight Saturday! #dundeewestend

Today - Saturday 2nd December – sees a whole host of West End Christmas Fortnight events taking place!

9.30am and 10.30am - Children’s Craft events. For young school age children, these 2 one-hour free workshops are led by Lisa Earl of ‘Create … Kids Create Crafts’. Blackness Library. Booking required to be in advance.

10am onwards - Harris Academy Christmas Fayre – including stalls – all welcome!

11am to 1pm – Animal Decoration Making – D’Arcy Thompson Zoology Museum - create Christmas decorations for your tree – book at

11am to 5pm – Dundee Art Society Winter Art and Craft Exhibition – Every day in the Roseangle Gallery until Saturday 9th December. Free entry - all welcome!

1pm to 3.30pm – The West End Christmas Fortnight Primary 6 football competition at Harris Academy. With thanks to the schools for all their help with this. P6 teams participating from our five local primary schools.

5pm - Botanic Garden - Walk in the Dark – Children aged 4-8 years are invited to come along with a parent/grandparent/carer for a special walk and seasonal activities in the Garden in the dark. Booking was required in advance.

5pm – 6.30pm – Friary Lights On! – Fun for all the family including music, refreshments and children’s activities at City Church in Tullideph Road.