Thursday 6 October 2022

Getting things done - Roseangle #dundeewestend

We have raised issues about repeated flooding at the south end of Roseangle, often flooding across the road, onto the pavement and flooding basements in the adjacent flats.    

Issues we have highlighted that are within the locus of both Scottish Water and the City Council include drain capacity and cleaning on the street drains and road edges.    Given the downhill incline in Roseangle, unfortunately significant quantities of rainwater builds up at the south end of the street in heavy rain.

As we also get flooding issues at other locations in the West End as well, we thought it useful to post this update from the council's Roads Maintenance Partnership Manager :

"I can confirm that road gullies across Dundee and Broughty Ferry are periodically inspected and the Road Maintenance Partnership continue to undertake their cyclical gully maintenance programme in the area. 

The Road Maintenance Partnership in conjunction with the City Engineers are currently reviewing areas of potential flooding hotspots in the city in order to prioritise and potentially increase the number of gully cleans in high risk areas.   Subsequently the number of gully cleans in low-risk areas would be reduced.

If any specific problems with the adopted road drainage system are identified by property owners, they can report this to Dundee City Council via the "Report a road or pavement defect" link available at or by contacting the Dundee City Council Customer Services team on 434000. 

Please note that very intense storm events, similar to those experienced recently in Dundee and Broughty Ferry put the drainage systems, including the sewer network and road drains, under significant pressure and result in them being overwhelmed.  

This can have the unfortunate consequence of flooding that is beyond the control of Scottish Water and Dundee City Council. The complex nature of flooding across Scotland, with many agencies responsible for different aspects of the sewerage and drainage systems in our communities, means that a partnership approach is vital for reducing the risk of flooding. 

Scottish Water and Dundee City Council continue to work together to understand areas most affected and consider measures that can be introduced to reduce the surface water flood risk during these intense rainfall events."