Saturday 11 November 2006

Team Macpherson West End! ... and Saggar Street Trees

I start today with thanks to all the residents of the West End who helped today deliver my latest FOCUS newsletter for the West End. The superb team delivered thousands of leaflets in just a few hours! A slightly wet start, but a beautiful afternoon. A few of us are finishing the deliveries over next couple of days but certainly a mission well done!
One of the issues covered in this edition is the effect of overgrown trees blocking light into residents' homes - see above - an example in the Pentland area where I recently had a site visit with a concerned resident and the Housing Officer.
The issue will be less of a problem over the winter months (with leaves off trees) but I met the Director of Housing last Monday (on a number of issues) and made the point that there must be action to trim affected trees next Spring.
Tired legs after our West End deliveries today, but a curry and the X Factor (fav TV prog after Coronation Street and Malcolm in the Middle...) makes all seem right with the world! Janet likes the MacDonald Brothers (err, sorry, not the greatest fan!) - Leona is totally ace, absolutely brilliant, a new Mariah Carey. The winner! Well, let's hope so. We'll find out if she's survived this week - at 8.55!