Saturday 7 January 2023

Dundee Technopole - an update #dundeewestend

Residents have asked us about progress with the Dundee Technopole - the area to east of Annfield Road - running between Hawkhill to the south and Blackness Road to the north.

We asked for an update from the council's Director of City Development who updated us as follows :

"The existing building fronting the Hawkhill (previously Cyclacel) is currently on site and will be opened shortly as the Centre For Protein degradation.

All other buildings including the Incubator and Tayside Scientific Services remain in use

The University are currently tendering the new building for the Tay Cities Regional Deal funded biomedical cluster, which will occupy the site to the north of the University incubator.

This leaves two or three plots at the northern end of the site which are reserved for future life sciences spin-outs. These will be promoted as part of the Life Sciences Innovation District once this is launched. No fixed time at this stage, but University will move on to this after the Biomedical hub is on site."