* Useful site visit with two Tait's Lane residents and an officer from the Planning & Transportation Department to look at a part of the roadway where drivers have difficulty negotiating when there are parked vehicles. Pleased to say this will be tackled when the roadway is resurfaced (in the autumn I am told - and its needing it as the photo right shows!)
* Also been in touch with the department regarding concerns about pedestrians crossing at the Marketgait/Nethergate junction since the underpass has been taken away.
* A resident expressed concern at the visbility for persons crossing from Magdalen Green to the playpark at Roseangle (across Riverside Approach) - the Council at my request sent an officer to check and his positive feedback is as follows :- "I will arrange for the white line to be extended southwards for an additional 3 metres. This will still accommodate the existing parking, improve the visibility for pedestrians and can be done relatively quickly."

* I have highlighted the issue of graffiti on utilities' boxes across the West End (see story "Dundee LibDem Councillor highlights West End graffiti problem" by clicking headline above. Featured in today's Courier and interviewed on Wave 102 regarding this. Council's Legal Manager progressing the list I have given him with the utility companies, so hopefully some progress soon.
Photo is me at Riverside Approach/Roseangle/Magdalen Yard Road with example!
* NHS Tayside to meet with me and a couple of council colleagues about the Ninewells Hospital parking charges - see Councillors to meet NHS Tayside over hospital parking issue - http://www.dundee.prai.co.uk/news/183.html
* Lastly, very productive meeting on Saturday with my Council colleague Helen Dick and two of our Fife Council LibDem colleagues representing the Tay Bridgehead area. Useful to meet with colleagues from neighbouring area & helpful discussions over Tay Bridge and other transport issues.