Wednesday 31 August 2022

Getting things done - Annfield Street #dundeewestend

Michael is pictured in Annfield Street at one of the benches.    

We received complaints from residents that this needs an upgrade given its delapidated condition.

We have therefore taken this up with environment management at the City Council.

Tuesday 30 August 2022

Getting things done - Pentland Avenue and Saggar Street #dundeewestend

Fraser is pictured at the wall at the junction of Pentland Avenue and Saggar Street.

Unfortunately it has been damaged - residents advised us by a vehicle - and requires repair.

We therefore raised this with the housing repairs manager at Dundee City Council and have now received confirmation that an Order has been raised for repairs.

Monday 29 August 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend




Miller’s Wynd – closed at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. Start date Monday 27 June for 6 months.

South Tay Street - 2-way temporary traffic lights from Monday 29 August for 2 days for footway resurfacing.

Hillcrest Road - closed at No 23 until 20 September for redevelopment works on existing house. Closures will be intermittent and each should last no more than several days.

City Road (Tullideph Place to Logie Street) – closed from Wednesday 31 August for 3 days for carriageway investigation works.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Cleghorn Street at junction of Rosebery Street– 4 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 5 September for 4 days for CityFibre work.

Milnbank Road at Forest Park Place – 3 way temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 6 September for 2 days for CityFibre work.

Milnbank Road between Bankmill Road and Rosefield Street – road closed from Thursday 8 September for 2 days for CityFibre work.

Easson’s Angle – road closed from Monday 12 September for 6 days for CityFibre work.

Lochee Road - pedestrian lights and road narrowing from Monday 12 September for 4 days for CityFibre work.

Rosebery Street – 2 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 12 September for 5 days for CityFibre work.

Polepark Road – closed from its junction with Lochee Road to its junction with Milnbank Road ( in a southerly direction only ) for footway resurfacing works commencing Friday 16th September for 2 weeks.

Hillside Road (junction with Hillside place) – closed from Monday 26 September for 3 days for carriageway resurfacing works.

Nethergate (West Marketgait to Union Street) – closed from Monday 10 October for 9 days for carriageway resurfacing works.

Blackness Road (at junction with Balgay Road) - closed from Wednesday 19 October for 3 days to facilitate carriageway resurfacing works.

Sunday 28 August 2022

Getting things done - Perth Road #dundeewestend

Residents have pointed out to us that bus service 39 could perhaps serve the western end of Perth Road, where there may be more potential usage, rather than Mallaig Avenue and Explorer Road. 

It would also assist tackle the dearth of public transport at the far west end of Perth Road.

We raised this with the Managing Director of Stagecoach East Scotland who has replied positively as follows :

"I'm pleased to be able to say that we will be offering some journeys on service 39 via this part of Perth Road when our timetables change on 3rd October. 

Details of the new timetables will be out approximately two weeks prior to that so information will be available from either our website, the Stagecoach bus app or from our customer services team on 0345 241 8000."

Saturday 27 August 2022

Warhammer at Blackness Library! #dundeewestend

There's a new Warhammer table top gaming group starting next Tuesday aimed at 8 year olds and upwards.

It will take place every fortnight immediately after school at 3.30pm.

For more details call the library on 435936 or e-mail

Friday 26 August 2022

Temporary Traffic Order - City Road

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of subsidence investigation works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in City Road (from Logie Street to Tullideph Place), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Wednesday 31 August 2022 for 3 working days.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available via Logie Street / Lochee Road / Tullideph Road.

For further information contact 433082.

Executive Director of City Development
Dundee City Council

Thursday 25 August 2022

Friends of Wighton - latest update

From Sheena Wellington :

On Saturday 27th August at 11am at the Wighton Centre, Central Library, we have :

Just 3Folk, comprising of Anne Hamilton, Liz Crawford and Maggie Douglas share a common love of folk music and have been singing together since 2015.

J3F have a varied repertoire of traditional and contemporary folk music, arranging the songs in three part harmony, and performing them accompanied by guitar, banjo, mandolin, harmonica, percussion and occasionally ukulele.

Just 3Folk are delighted to have recently produced their second CD entitled “Back on Track” and are thrilled to have been in the position to donate £1000 to Maggie’s Dundee.

For our concert on 27th August, J3F will be joined by Dave Hamilton on 12 string guitar and vocals, and Morag Sutherland on violin.

Admission £5. at the door.

Wednesday 24 August 2022

Getting things done - Victoria Park #dundeewestend

Residents have highlighted to us their concerns about the poor state of maintenance at Victoria Park's Rose Garden.

Fraser is pictured at the Rose Garden and we raised this concern with Neighbourhood Services at the City Council.

A senior environment management officer has now updated us as follows :

"I agree the area is not up to where we would like it to be but we will have the borders and grass tidied up over the coming weeks with winter works planned to carry out pruning, tidying up of paths and surrounding areas."

Tuesday 23 August 2022

Getting things done - Tullideph Road and City Road #dundeewestend

The community notice board at the junction of  Tullideph Road and City Road is in a sorry state.

Michael is pictured at it and it needs repaired.

We raised this some weeks ago and are now pleased to advise that the City Council has confirmed that an Order for repairs has now been raised.

Monday 22 August 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Miller’s Wynd – closed at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. Start date Monday 27 June for 6 months.

South Tay Street - 2-way temporary traffic lights from Monday 22 August for one week for footway resurfacing.

Hillcrest Road - closed at No 23 until 20 September for redevelopment works on existing house. Closures will be intermittent and each should last no more than several days.

Perth Road/Invergowrie Drive - drop kerbs on either side of junction from Monday 15 August for one week.

Forthcoming Roadworks

City Road (Tullideph Place to Logie Street) – closed from Wednesday 31 August for 3 days for carriageway investigation works.

Cleghorn Street at junction of Rosebery Street– 4 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 5 September for 4 days for CityFibre work.

Milnbank Road at Forest Park Place – 3 way temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 6 September for 2 days for CityFibre work.

Milnbank Road between Bankmill Road and Rosefield Street – road closed from Thursday 8 September for 2 days for CityFibre work.

Easson’s Angle – road closed from Monday 12 September for 6 days for CityFibre work.

Lochee Road - lane closure from Monday 12 September for 4 days for CityFibre work.

Polepark Road – closed from its junction with Lochee Road to its junction with Milnbank Road (in a southerly direction only) for footway resurfacing works commencing Friday 16th September for 2 weeks.

Sunday 21 August 2022

HERA autumn evening classes enrolment #dundeewestend

Harris Education and Recreation Association's next block of evening courses will start on the week commencing 12th September.

Enrolment is next Wednesday - 24th August - in Harris Academy from 6pm to 7pm.

Classes are mostly on Wednesdays from 6.30pm-8.30pm, but there are some on Mondays and Tuesdays at the moment too. Minimum age is 16.

Full class details are available at

Saturday 20 August 2022

Ninewells Community Garden online AGM #dundeewestend

The Ninewells Community Garden AGM takes place online next Tuesday - 23rd August - at 5pm.

Come and listen to Caishlan Sweeney from the Eden Project talk about the Eden Project Dundee proposals - all welcome!

Friday 19 August 2022

Getting things done - West Park Road #dundeewestend

We have received numerous complaints about the deteriorating state of the road surface in West Park Road at its north end - particularly north of the Beechwood Terrace junction.

We contacted the Roads Maintenance Partnership about this and have received a positive response being advised that West Park Road is included in this year's carriageway programme for 'targeted' structural inlay repairs which will greatly improve the road surface.

We sought clarity around which part of the road was to be 'targeted' for the repairs and have been advised "... areas at the north end of West Park Road will be included as budgets permit."

Thursday 18 August 2022

Getting things done - Tullideph sheltered lounge #dundeewestend

We received complaints recently that the paths to the Tullideph sheltered lounge have not been maintained – loads of weeds and the shrubs not maintained.

The tenants who raised this with us highlighted the health and safety hazard given the slope downhill to the complex.

We raised this with the City Council and received assurances that this would be attended to as a matter of urgency.

Wednesday 17 August 2022

Getting things done - St Peter Street #dundeewestend

Residents contacted us to say that the siting of recycling bins in front of the mural at St Peter Street was inappropriate as these could be easily sited away from the mural.

We raised this with environment management at the City Council and received the following helpful response :

"I've arranged for the two recycling eurobins to be relocated directly across the road from where they are currently situated. The food waste unit will also be moved east of its current location, leaving the mural wall clear from bins."

Tuesday 16 August 2022

Sinderins Community Hub launch this Thursday! #dundeewestend

The Sinderins Community Hub launches this Thursday - 18th August - from 1pm to 4pm - all welcome!

It takes place in the Logie & St John's (Cross) Church hall, Shaftesbury Terrace.

➨ A place to meet and make friends
➨ A place to chat
➨ A place for the retired
➨ A place for those working from home
➨ A place for people on a day off
➨ A place for people who aren’t in paid work but who care for their loved ones
➨ A place for parents and toddlers
➨ A place for people to help shape what happens next
➨ A place for everyone

It is also a place to enjoy some refreshments. Although there is no charge donations are welcome.

Monday 15 August 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Miller’s Wynd – closed at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. Start date Monday 27 June for 6 months.

South Tay Street - 2-way temporary traffic lights from Monday for 2 weeks for footway resurfacing.

Hillcrest Road - closed at No 23 for one month for redevelopment works on existing house. Closures will be intermittent and each should last no more than several days.

Greenmarket (Greenmarket MSCP to South Marketgait) – prohibition of turns into Greenmarket and South Marketgait; mini contraflow and temporary traffic lights until midweek for Scottish and Southern Energy Networks work.

Lochee Road (at Smellies Lane) – temporary traffic lights from 8.00am – 6.00pm on Friday 19 August for telecommunications mast repairs.

Hawkhill – closed between Blackness Avenue/Perth Road junction and Bellfield Street on Saturday 20 August for one day for completion of ducting installation and road surface reinstatement.

Perth Road/Invergowrie Drive - drop kerbs on either side of junction from Monday 15 August for one week.

Forthcoming Roadworks

City Road (Tullideph Place to Logie Street) – closed from Wednesday 31 August for 3 days for carriageway investigation works.

Cleghorn Street at junction of Rosebery Street– 4 way temporary traffic lights from Monday 5 September for 4 days for CityFibre work.

Milnbank Road at Forest Park Place – 3 way temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 6 September for 2 days for CityFibre work.

Milnbank Road between Bankmill Road and Rosefield Street – road closed from Thursday 8 September for 2 days for CityFibre work.

Easson’s Angle – road closed from Monday 12 September for 6 days for CityFibre work.

Lochee Road - lane closure from Monday 12 September for 4 days for CityFibre work.

Sunday 14 August 2022

Weekly ward surgeries return this week #dundeewestend

With the start of the new school year, our surgeries return this coming week.

Fraser's weekly ward surgeries commence on Tuesday 16th August and take place during school term time. They are as follows :

Tuesdays at 5pm prompt - Blackness Library

Tuesdays at 5.45pm prompt - Ancrum Road Primary School

Michael’s weekly ward surgeries commence on Thursday 18th August and take place during school term time. They are as follows :

Thursdays at 5.45pm prompt - West End Campus (come to reception area of St Joseph’s RC and Victoria Park Primary Schools)

Thursdays at 6.30pm prompt - Harris Academy reception area

All welcome – no appointment necessary.

Saturday 13 August 2022

Temporary Traffic Order - Hawkhill

From the City Council :


THE DUNDEE CITY COUNCIL AS TRAFFIC AUTHORITY being satisfied that traffic on the road should be prohibited by reason of duct installation works being carried out HEREBY PROHIBIT the driving of any vehicle in Hawkhill (between its junctions with Perth Road /Blackness Avenue and Bellfield Street), Dundee.

This notice comes into effect on Saturday 20th August 2022 for one day.

Pedestrian thoroughfare will be maintained.

Access for residents and businesses will be maintained.

Alternative routes for vehicles are available Blackness Avenue / Blackness Road / Bellfield Street and in reverse.

For further information contact 834088.

Executive Director
City Development Department,
Dundee City Council

Further note from the council : This works results in traffic management for around 4 days as he duct is installed in the road in sections. The above one day closure takes place on the final day of works.

Friday 12 August 2022

Litter picking hubs - a great idea!

Sixty two community litter picking hubs are now available across Glasgow - in parks, schools and at some coffee shops.

Equipment, including bin bags and litter pickers, can be used by anyone keen to do a litter pick in their area.

This is a great initiative by Glasgow City Council and we asked Dundee City Council's Head of Environment if this could be replicated in Dundee.

He has responded positively as follows :

"Yes, I agree that this is a very positive initiative and it would be good to emulate with a similar scheme within Dundee.

Grateful if you could please leave this with me to take forward with officers at the next Take Pride officers' meeting."

Thursday 11 August 2022

Wednesday 10 August 2022

Dundee recycling study

From the Psychology Department at the University of Dundee :

Residents are invited to take part in a study aiming to develop a greater understanding of recycling in the Dundee public.   Any Dundee resident aged over 18 can take part.

To find out more and to take part, go to

Any questions - just e-mail

Tuesday 9 August 2022

Council house rents consultation 2022

From the City Council :

As part of our preparations for setting rents for council housing in the coming year, we asking our tenants’ views on their priorities for how we spend your rent.

We would like to invite you to participate in an online survey.   Having your say in influencing spending priorities will provide valuable information in discussions with councillors on the coming year’s rent level. We would greatly appreciate a few moments of your time to complete this short survey on investment priorities by visiting

If you have any questions regarding the survey, please contact Mark Cooper by email -     

You can also visit Dundee City Council’s website at for more information on how your rent is spent.

Monday 8 August 2022

UK's favourite parks 2022! #dundeewestend

Three of  Dundee's green spaces - Dundee Law, Victoria Park and Camperdown Park - have been nominated for the 2022 UK's favourite parks award.

We are delighted that Victoria Park in our own local area has been nominated.

We would encourage residents to take part in the vote!     You can vote at - voting closes on Thursday 18th August.

Sunday 7 August 2022

Magdalen Green footbridge engagement - drop-in event #dundeewestend

As residents will recall from our previous update, there is currently public engagement on a possible replacement of the Magdalen Green footbridge.

In addition to the online survey at :

... there's also a drop-in event at the Magdalen Green bandstand this coming Wednesday - 10th August - from 5pm to 8pm - all welcome!

Saturday 6 August 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Riverside Drive (at Rail Bridge) – overnight (10.00 pm – 6.00 am) lane closures on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 August for bridge inspections.


Miller’s Wynd – closed at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. Start date Monday 27 June for 6 months.

South Tay Street - 3-way temporary traffic lights from Monday 8 August for 3 weeks for footway resurfacing.

Perth Road drop kerb on north kerb line opposite riverside underpass path - from 8 August for one week.

Hillcrest Road closed at No 23 for one month for redevelopment works on existing house – closures will be intermittent and each should last no more than several days.

Greenmarket (Greenmarket MSCP to South Marketgait) – prohibition of turns into Greenmarket and South Marketgait; mini contraflow and temporary traffic lights from Monday 8 August for one week for Scottish and Southern Energy Networks work.

Smellies Lane (at Ash Street) – closed on Tuesday 9 August for BT work.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Lochee Road (at Smellies Lane) – temporary traffic lights from 8.00 am – 6.00 pm on Friday 19 August for telecommunications mast repairs.

Hawkhill – closed between Blackness Avenue/Perth Road junction and Bellfield Street on Saturday 20 August for one day for completion of ducting installation and road surface reinstatement.

City Road (Tullideph Place to Logie Street) – closed from Wednesday 31 August for 3 days for carriageway investigation works.

Friday 5 August 2022

Wasps Open Studios this weekend #dundeewestend

From WASPS Studio - Floor 3, Meadow Mill Studios, West Henderson's Wynd :

Wasps is delighted to be welcoming visitors once again and throwing open its doors for its ever popular open studios weekend!

Come and have a wander round the building.

Chat, browse and buy from our amazing designers and artists showcasing a diverse range of disciplines and talents: fine art, fashion, jewellery, ceramics, illustration, prints, cards and much more. 

There really is something for everyone! 

Opening times this Saturday and Sunday - 12 noon to 5pm on both days.

Free onsite parking (they will give you a day permit) and a lift to all floors.

Thursday 4 August 2022

Wednesday 3 August 2022

2022’s Dundee garden and allotment competition #TakePrideDundee

It is not too late to take part in this year's garden and allotment competition!

Whether you have a garden, window box or a community space, there’s a category for you.

Find out how to apply before the 12th August deadline at



Tuesday 2 August 2022

Getting things done - Blackness Road - an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that we have campaigned for Blackness Road / Blackness Avenue / Balgay Road junction road safety improvements following a number of accidents at the junction.

We have now been advised of the detail of the council’s road safety improvements.   Please see image of these.

The council’s road safety team leader has further advised :

“The main body of the works and completion are currently programmed for the month of September.

Exact date of these works to be clarified later once I receive an update from our contractors.”

Monday 1 August 2022

Weekly Road Report – West End Ward #dundeewestend



Miller’s Wynd – closed at its junction with Hawkhill for major construction works. Start date Monday 27 June for 6 months.

South Tay Street - 3-way temporary traffic lights from Monday 1 August for 5 days for CityFibre works.

Ninewells Avenue – mobile roadworks from Monday 1 August for 2 days for carriageway patching works.

Strawberrybank – closed from 1 August for 2 days for CityFibre works.

Riverside Drive (at Rail Bridge) – overnight (10.00pm – 6.00am) lane closures on Saturday 6 and Sunday 7 August for bridge inspections.

Hillcrest Road closed at No 23 for one month for redevelopment works on existing house – closures will be intermittent and each should last no more than several days.

Forthcoming Roadworks

Easson’s Angle - closed from Monday 8 August for 5 days for CityFibre Works.

Greenmarket (Greenmarket MSCP to South Marketgait) – prohibition of turns into Greenmarket and South Marketgait; mini contraflow and temporary traffic lights from Monday 8 August for one week for Scottish and Southern Energy Networks work.

Smellies Lane (at Ash Street) – closed on Tuesday 9 August for BT work.

Fleuchar Street – closed from Monday 15 August for 3 days for CityFibre Works.

Lochee Road (at Smellies Lane) – temporary traffic lights from 8.00am – 6.00pm on Friday 19 August for telecommunications mast repairs.

Hawkhill – closed between Blackness Avenue/Perth Road junction and Bellfield Street on Saturday 20 August for one day for completion of ducting installation and road surface reinstatement.