Fraser has been LibDem Councillor for the West End on Dundee City Council since 2001 and has topped the poll in all of the six council elections he has contested. Michael was elected to also represent the West End from May 2022 and is a hard-working addition to the West End LibDem team.
Thursday 31 October 2019
Shelter Scotland - Annual Dundee Fashion Show
Wednesday 30 October 2019
Botanic Garden event #dundeewestend
Pea gin: how your choice of afternoon tipple could help save the rainforest
Botanic Garden - Sunday 3rd November
Pete Iannetta, James Hutton Institute will discuss a study that found that the environmental footprint of pea gin was significantly lower than for wheat gin across 12 of 14 environmental impacts evaluated - from climate change, through water and air pollution, to fossil energy consumption.
Held in the Education Centre in the Garden at 2pm; a free event to Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden; others – donations welcome.
Botanic Garden
Tuesday 29 October 2019
Friends of Balgay event at the Botanic Garden #dundeewestend
Balgay Park,
Botanic Garden
Monday 28 October 2019
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
SSEN Pitfour Area Cable Renewal – Phase 2: City Road (Pentland Avenue to Scott Street) closed southbound for up to 3 weeks.
Westfield Lane – closed from Tuesday 22 October for 5 weeks for building repair works.
Sunday 27 October 2019
Ninewells Community Garden event next week #dundeewestend
Next Wednesday – 30th October – from 10am to 1pm, the community garden’s Mosaic Group is again meeting.
A monthly group learning about and making mosaics, it is making a mosaic trail for the grounds of Ninewells Hospital, and attendees also work on their own projects.
No experience necessary and all materials, tuition and refreshments provided, though donations are welcome.
Ninewells Hospital
Saturday 26 October 2019
Wasps Artists Studios - Open Studios Weekend
Wasps Studios
Friday 25 October 2019
Friends of Wighton update ...
From Sheena Wellington :
“Christina” – Elisabeth Flett
Saturday 26th October - 11am-noon (doors open 10.30am)
Fresh from the sell-out Edinburgh Fringe run of her acclaimed production “Roots”, Elisabeth Flett returns to the Wighton with the world premiere of “Christina”. The show is inspired by the 19th century manuscript book of Christina Gib of Maulesden House, Brechin. Elisabeth has researched the elusive Christina’s story to create a fascinating musical and historical journey.
Elisabeth, of course no stranger to the Wighton, is currently based in London. She studied Classical Recorder (BMus Hons) at the Guildhall School of Music and Drama, graduating with a First in 2017. She sings and plays fiddle, viola, whistle, recorder and guitar.
Christina’s manuscript book, a work of art in itself, is in the Wighton’s Jimmy Shand Collection and the work was commissioned by Friends of Wighton.
£5 admission, tea/coffee for small donation.
Thursday 24 October 2019
Art for All - Public Art Study Day
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :
We’re delighted to announce the programme for our special full day event to end the Art for All exhibition, featuring an amazing line-up of artists and researchers:
Art for All – A Study Day exploring Public Art in Dundee and Scotland
Saturday 26th October, 10am-5pm
D’Arcy Thompson Lecture Theatre, Tower Building, University of Dundee
10.00-11.30am Session One
Matthew Jarron (University of Dundee) on the lost public art of Dundee
Andrew Demetrius (University of St Andrews) on David Harding’s work as Town Artist for Glenrothes
Professor Vee Pollock (Newcastle University) on the role of public art in regenerating the Gorbals
11.30-11.50 Break for refreshments
11.50am-1.05pm Session Two
Liz Kemp (artist and curator) on setting up the Blackness Environmental Arts Team and the Blackness Public Art Programme
J Keith Donnelly (artist) on his artworks in Dundee, his role as Town Artist for East Kilbride and his work with South Lanarkshire Council as Public / Visual Arts Officer
David Annand (artist) on his artworks in Dundee and beyond
1.05pm-1.55 Lunch
1.55-3.30pm Session Three
John Gray (Dundee City Council public art officer) on four decades of art for the city
David F Wilson (artist) on his artworks in Dundee and beyond
Theresa Lynn (University of Dundee / artist and community educator) on community art projects in Dundee
Matthew Dalziel & Louise Scullion (University of Dundee / artists) on Catalyst and other artworks
3.30-3.50pm Break for refreshments
3.50-5pm Session Four
Suzanne Scott (artist) on her own artworks and helping to organise the Oor Wullie and Penguin sculpture trails
Adam Milroy (artist) on his own artwork and organising the annual Dundee Graffiti Jam
Russell Pepper (Open/Close Dundee) on commissioning street art around Dundee
Liv Laumenech (University of Edinburgh) on new public art projects for the University
Tickets for this unique event cost £20 (£15 for students) and can be booked here.
University of Dundee
Wednesday 23 October 2019
Ninewells Community Garden event #dundeewestend
Let’s Eat: Pumpkin
Thursday 24th October - 12 noon-2pm
A community lunch for all.
The theme for this month is pumpkin. Volunteer Jolanta Witkowska will show us how to prepare one of her favourite pumpkin recipes - please do bring along a recipe, or some food to share - with our without pumpkin!
A chance to learn some new ideas for the kitchen and catch up with garden friends old and new.
The sixth in a series of monthly healthy lunches and recipe swaps. All welcome - come and join us for a tasty lunch!
More details are available here.
Ninewells Hospital
Tuesday 22 October 2019
Blether Tay-Gither - Storytelling in Dundee
Details of the Blether Tay-Gither international storytelling festival event :
22nd October at 7pm - Frigate Unicorn
International Guest is Joseph Naytowhow - Stories from the Grassland
Tickets £6 (payable on the door) - email to book your place.
Blether Tay-gither
Monday 21 October 2019
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
SSEN Pitfour Area Cable Renewal – Phase 2: City Road (Pentland Avenue to Scott Street) closed southbound for up to 4 weeks.
Westfield Lane – closed from Tuesday 22 October for 5 weeks for building repair works.
Sunday 20 October 2019
West End Surgeries #dundeewestend
With the October school holidays now over, it is back to West End Ward surgeries this coming week. My Mitchell Street Centre and Harris Academy surgeries take place tomorrow.
My full surgery details are below – although I can also be contacted via or phone me at home on 459378 anytime :
Saturday 19 October 2019
Temporary Traffic Order - Westfield Lane
From the City Council :
Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of facilitating building repair works. The Order is expected to be in force for 5 weeks from 22nd October 2019. Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months.
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in Westfield Lane for its entire length.
An alternative route will be available via Perth Road, Seafield Road and Seafield Road Car Park.
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this proposal to the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS or call 433082.
Westfield Lane
Friday 18 October 2019
Friends of Wighton event tomorrow!
From Sheena Wellington :
Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library - Saturday 19th October, 11am – noon.
Bob Knight, singer songwriter
Aberdonian Bob is a fine and versatile singer, a powerful yet sensitive songwriter, an accomplished instrumentalist and the possessor of a dry sense of humour.
A proud member of the traveller community, the traditional songs and lore of his people inform his work bringing a modern perspective to an ancient culture and a timeless richness to modern themes.
Doors open 10.30am - £5 admission, tea/coffee for small donation.
Thursday 17 October 2019
Art for All - Blackness Public Art Walking Tour #dundeewestend
Dundee has an exceptional collection of over 500 sculptures, murals, mosaics and other forms of public art.
Taking place tomorrow, Friday 18th October at 2.30pm, this free informal walking tour by university museum curator Matthew Jarron is part of the University's Festival of the Future, and will explore the role of public art in the cultural regeneration of Dundee, focusing on the pioneering Blackness Public Art Programme of the 1980s and the inclusion of artworks in the creation of play parks and other social amenities.
Please meet in the Lamb Gallery at the University of Dundee. Participants take part in these walks at their own risk. Please wear appropriate footwear. There may be uneven surfaces and occasional stairs - please contact or 384310 in advance if you have any particular access requirements. More details here.
University of Dundee
Wednesday 16 October 2019
Litter pick today - University of Dundee campus - all welcome #dundeewestend
University of Dundee
Tuesday 15 October 2019
University of Dundee Culture Day : Radical!
The University’s annual Culture Day takes place tomorrow - Wednesday 16th October.
It is a stimulating mix of talks and presentations across a wide-range of subjects united by a common theme.
This year Culture Day celebrates its 15th birthday and like any stroppy teenager it is in a radical mood! From radical politics to radicles in the soil, this stimulating event will definitely challenge the status quo.
Admission is free and booking is not essential, but for catering purposes it would help if you could reserve a place via Eventbrite here :
University of Dundee
Monday 14 October 2019
Action taken to tackle smell problem from Riverside composting site #dundeewestend
As reported recently in the Courier, over the summer, I again raised numerous residents' complaints about the smell problem caused by the composting operation at the Riverside Civic Amenity site adjacent to Riverside Nature Park.
The problem appears to be particularly noticeable during shredding as part of the composting operation and the wind changes direction.
Staff attempt to ensure the operation happens only when the wind is to the south, away from the residential housing along the western part of Perth Road and in adjacent streets like Riverside Place, Millbay Terrace and Gardens, Clovis Duveau Drive, Millhall Crescent, River Crescent and Newhall Gardens.
However, the complaints about the smell issue have been numerous in the latter part of the summer in particular.
Last Friday, I had a very productive meeting with a member of environment management of the City Council to discuss the issues and attempt to ensure the situation is much improved going forward.
I am pleased to note that the council is now finalising an Odour Management Plan for Riverside that I went through with environment management at the meeting. This is helpful as I am adamant that residents should not have to endure this smell issue and it is welcome that the council is taking proper steps to tackle this problem.
Riverside Avenue
Sunday 13 October 2019
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
SSEN Pitfour Area Cable Renewal – Phase 1: Pitfour Street (City Road to Roseberry Street) closed for up to one week; Phase 2: City Road (Pentland Avenue to Scott Street) closed southbound for up to 4 weeks (to follow Phase 1).
Forthcoming Roadworks
Westfield Lane – closed from Tuesday 22 October for 5 weeks for building repair works.
Saturday 12 October 2019
Botanic Garden event tomorrow #dundeewestend
From the Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden :
Tomorrow - Sunday 13th October – at 2pm, there will be a presentation at the garden's Education Centre on the subject of hospital therapy gardens.
It will be presented by James Falconer.
James is a former chaplain with NHS Grampian Healthcare and has been the driving force behind the Robertson Family Roof Garden at Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, and now the proposed staff garden.
This event is free to attend to all members of the Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden and all others are invited to attend - donations welcome.
Botanic Garden
Friday 11 October 2019
Update on Step Row pavement concern #dundeewestend
Residents may recall the recent Courier article about the very unfortunate accident that Mr Stephen Muir had in Step Row on an uneven pavement.
At the time, I promised to raise the issue of the state of the footpath with the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and I have now been updated as follows :
"An order has been raised by the Road Maintenance inspector for a repair to be done at the kerb."
Thursday 10 October 2019
From the MS Society - My MS, My Way
MS Society's Dundee Branch
Wednesday 9 October 2019
Ninewells Community Garden - Ladybird Kids' Club #dundeewestend
Ladybird Kids Club at Ninewells Community Garden takes place tomorrow - Thursday 10th October - and also next Thursday (17th October) from 10am until 11.30am.
ParkLives will start it off with some outdoor games, then it's time for messy garden fun!
For children aged 3-8 with their parents or carers - parents can join in, or relax in the garden with a cuppa. Come for one or both sessions.
The kids club will mostly take place outdoors, so please make sure to dress appropriately - this includes wearing something you don’t mind getting dirty!
Drinks and a small snack will be provided. Suggested donation £3 but no booking required.
Ninewells Hospital
Tuesday 8 October 2019
West End Community Council meeting tonight #dundeewestend
The Community Council meets this evening at Logie St John's (Cross) Church Hall at 7pm - all residents welcome!
Here's the agenda :
10. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Tuesday 12th November 2019
Light refreshments will be provided.
West End Community Council
Monday 7 October 2019
West End Surgeries #dundeewestend
With the schools now closed for the October holidays, my usual weekly ward surgeries do not recommence until after the school holidays.
However, I can still be contacted on any local issues or concerns through my e-surgery - just e-mail
Surgeries recommence on Monday 21st October - surgery details are available here.
I can also be contacted at home at any time on 459378 and also during office hours at my Dundee City Council office on 434985.
Sunday 6 October 2019
Electricity upgrade works - Pitfour Street/City Road area #dundeewestend
Starting tomorrow – Monday 7th October - Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks will start work to replace the underground electricity cables that serve Pitfour Street and the surrounding areas.
Two new 11kV cables will be installed from Pitfour Street Substation to the junction of Baxter Street and City Road. It is envisaged the works will be completed next month.
Traffic management will be put in place by their contractors, Inverness Paving. This will include temporary lane closures and parking restrictions along Pitfour Street.
There should be no interrupting to residents’ electricity supply to carry out these works.
I recently gave details of the temporary traffic order and you can read this here.
Scottish and Southern Electricity Networks has issued an explanatory leaflet to residents in the area and you can download this here. This gives contact details of the project manager should any resident have any query.
City Road,
Pitfour Street
Saturday 5 October 2019
Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend
West Port roundabout – offside lane closure from 7.00am - 11.00am on Saturday 5 October for urgent repairs to perimeter wall.
SSEN Pit four Area Cable Renewal – Phase 1: Pitfour Street (City Road to Roseberry Street) closed eastbound; Phase 2: City Road (Pentland Avenue to Scott Street) closed southbound. Phase 1 starts Monday 7 October for 2 weeks followed by Phase 2 for 3 weeks.
Magdalen Yard Road – temporary traffic lights from Monday 7 October for one week for BT work.
Riverside Drive at Riverside Approach – off-peak nearside lane closure on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 October for street lighting maintenance works.
Forthcoming Roadworks
Westfield Lane – closed from Tuesday 22 October for 5 weeks for building repair works.
Friday 4 October 2019
Temporary Traffic Order - Pitfour Street and City Road
Dundee City Council proposes to make an Order under Section 14(1) of the Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984 for the purpose of facilitating SSE cable renewal works. The Order is expected to be in force for 5 weeks from 7th October 2019. Its maximum duration in terms of the Act is eighteen months.
The effect of the Order is to prohibit temporarily all vehicular traffic in Pitfour Street in an eastbound direction between City Road and Roseberry Street (Phase 1) and City Road in a southbound direction between Pentland Avenue and Scott Street (Phase 2).
The Phases will run consecutively.
An alternative route will be available via City Road, Cleghorn Street and Roseberry Street (Phase 1) and Pentland Avenue, Balgay Street, Blackness Road, Rosefield Street and Milnbank Road (Phase 2).
Please forward any comments you may have regarding this proposal to the Network Management Team, City Development Department, Dundee House, 50 North Lindsay Street, Dundee, DD1 1LS. If you have any queries please contact 433082.
City Road,
Pitfour Street
Thursday 3 October 2019
Milnbank Road phone box - an update #dundeewestend
Further to my recent article about the state of the phone box in Milnbank Road, I have had the following feedback from BT :
"I’ve requested that an engineer be sent to give the box a clean.
I’m sorry to say that we will not be repainting the box as it has now been added to our street rationalisation project.
Our contractors are due to put a notice in this box to advise that we are removing it.
There would be the possibility to adopt the kiosk and our website here shows who can do this."
I queried the lack of consultation and usage figures at the phone box and was further advised by BT :
"There will be no formal notification as this box does not meet OFCOM criteria (there is another one within 400 metres). We are posting a courtesy notice to advise that it is being removed and where the nearest one is located.
I’m afraid I can’t share usage with you but can say that it has had no emergency calls in the last twelve months.
Once the notice has been posted we would try and remove within 24 weeks. This is why I advised regarding adoption."
I have responded to BT stating that, whatever their commercial considerations, the company has a responsibility to give an indication of usage before considering removing a phone box as boxes should not be removed where there is still a reasonable level of calls.
Milnbank Road
Wednesday 2 October 2019
Art for All - Public Art Workshop
From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :
As part of our exhibition Art for All: The Pioneering Story of Public Art in Dundee, we’re delighted to announce a special event giving you the chance to imagine your own piece of public art for the city through relief modelling in clay, in a special workshop led by artist J Keith Donnelly. The event takes place on Saturday 5th October from 11am - 3pm in the Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee.
The Saltire award-winning ceramic panels on Bellfield Street by Duncan of Jordanstone College graduate J Keith Donnelly (above) were created in 1983 as part of the pioneering Blackness Public Art Programme. 36 years later they remain one of the masterpieces of public art in the city. This and other successful commissions helped Keith secure the role of Town Artist for East Kilbride, where he worked for over 10 years.
In this unique workshop Keith will discuss his work (including a site visit to see the artworks in Bellfield Street) and will give you the chance to imagine your own piece of public art. Under Keith’s guidance you will establish a design through a charcoal sketch before transferring the concept through modelling with clay. Following the drying of the clay work, it will be fired locally and arrangements made for you to collect it at a later date.
At the end of the event there will be an opportunity to view the Art for All exhibition in the Lamb Gallery in the company of Keith and curator Matthew Jarron.
All tools and materials will be provided. Lunch is also included in the ticket price – please let us know if you have any special dietary requirements.
Places are limited – book now here.
University of Dundee
Tuesday 1 October 2019
Getting things done - Magdalen Green #dundeewestend
Further to my recent article about the maintenance of Balgay and Victoria Parks, I have also had similar concerns about grass and other maintenance at Magdalen Green.
Having raised this matter with environment management at the City Council, I have now had this feedback from the Service Manager - Environment in the council's Neighbourhood Services :
"Magdalen Green has always been a fast growing area historically. We have had to carry out additional cuts to the grass on a number of occasions over the seasons prior to events such as WestFest due to the growth rate. The constant warm weather and rain this season hasn't helped.
Whilst we have kept to our planned cutting schedule of a fortightly visit, the excessive growth has been against us. To try and alleviate the situation the area was cut down on Wednesday oif last week and gone over again. We will endeavour to cut it again this week.
These actions will help to improve the situation. Hopefully the grass will start to slow down shortly."
Magdalen Green
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