Tuesday 31 October 2006

Western Cemetery, Very useful meeting, Good feedback and Internet hackers!

Met with a number of West End Community Council folk and Leisure and Communities staff at the Western Cemetery this morning (you can read more about the cemetery by clicking on headline above).
This follows on from our initial meeting on 24th October - the aim is to progress ideas to allow the community to help preserve the Western Cemetery and hopefully set up a "Friends of Western Cemetery" group to undertake some sympathetic works within the cemetery area.
As you can see from the photo I took this morning, the cemetery is in a beautiful setting but as the second photo shows, the area to the rear of the cemetery is very overgrown. City Council staff agreed that there are definitely ways in which the community can work to help preserve the cemetery. We are meeting again towards the end of November.

The cemetery has a fascinating history - how many cemeteries in Scotland were originally owned by an American cattle company?
Later this morning, the City Council leader and I had another very useful meeting with the Hindu Cultural and Community Centre representatives. The Cultural and Community Centre in Taylor's Lane is a valuable asset for the West End and for our City as a whole and the City Council is keen to assist its development.
I'm really grateful to every constituent who has called or e-mailed me today about the Tay Rope Works planning decision last night (see previous blog entry). Thus far 100% positive reaction to the refusal decision.
And lastly, got a call from the Evening Telegraph about my website... You used to type "Fraser Macpherson" into Google and it returned "Cllr Fraser Macpherson, Liberal Democrat councillor for Tay Bridges Ward" - err, now it returns ...
shaggy macpherson fraser
www.frasermacpherson.org.uk/ -
Similar pages
As tonight's Tele says, "Like all shaggy dog stories, there appears to be no solution to the mystery."
That said, clearly a case of internet hacking. Now confirmed with my ISP that its not at their end - looks like it is at the domain name host, so e-mailed them asking them to check. But let's look on the positive side - largest number of web hits to www.frasermacpherson.org.uk today than in any day in the past six months ... the power of publicity I suppose!

Monday 30 October 2006

Tay Rope Works

At tonight's meeting of the City Council's Development Quality Committee, I successfully moved refusal of the planning application by Duncarse Limited for 11 flats and 4 houses on the Tay Rope Works site. Apart for 46 objectors (and 24 letters of support) some 121 residents signed a petition against the proposal.
My grounds for refusal were:

Reason 1

The proposed development is contrary to Policy 61 of the Dundee Local Plan review 2005 in that the proposals neither preserve or enhance the character of the surrounding area in terms of design principles and use of materials. The proposal also fails to complement existing buildings in terms of height, mass, and colour. There are no material considerations which justify the grant of planning permission contrary to the terms of this policy .

Reason 2

The proposed development will have a detrimental effect on existing traffic and pedestrian flows.

Reason 3

The proposed development is contrary to Policy 4 of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 in that the proposals fail to meet the terms of the policy in respect of the proportion of flats proposed as opposed to houses and that the proposal represents town cramming which is neither necessary or desirable. There are no material considerations which justify the grant of planning permission contrary to the terms of this policy.

Reason 4

It is considered that the development will lead to an unacceptable degree of overshadowing particularly in respect of the northmost block.

Reason 5

The proposed development is contrary to Policy 6 of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 in that the proposal fails to incorporate open space as required by this policy. There are no material considerations which justify the grant of planning permission contrary to the terms of this policy.
With the support of Bailie Neil Powrie who seconded the motion, pleased to say it was won 11-9.
The next application was for the listed building consent (LBC) in relation to this (51 Magdalen Yard Road) - I moved refusal on the following grounds :
The proposed development is contrary to Policy 60 of the Dundee Local Plan Review 2005 in that the proposal fails to have regard to the preservation or enhancement of the architectural or historic character of the area. There are no material considerations which justify the grant of planning permission contrary to the terms of this policy.
So having just won the vote 11-9, I lost the LBC vote 11-9. I am honestly at a loss as to why any councillor would change his/her vote between the two, but, hey, that's apparently democracy.
The main application was, nonetheless, refused and this will be welcomed by many local residents. We have the highly able and articulate deputations' contributions from West End Community Council and local residents to thank for that.
I have just e-mailed the Development Quality section asking for clarification of the effect of a full application being refused but the LBC being granted.

Trees issues, recycling proposal and shelters again

Had useful site visits this afternoon with residents in Ancrum and Pentland with a housing official about overgrown trees and damaged fencing.
Earlier on finished delivering a consultation letter to residents adjacent to the Roseangle car park about the proposal to install recycling facilities. Initial reactions have been positive, especially as there will be no loss of parking, but am keen to give all nearby residents the opportunity to feed back before the facility is installed.
Lastly, got feedback from Planning & Transportation to say that the smashed glass at the vandalised bus shelters (see Sunday's entry) has been cleared away. The Courier carried the story today & I spoke on Wave 102 about it.

Sunday 29 October 2006

Mindless vandalism, Lights in Seafield Lane

Was in Clepington area this morning helping my brother-in-law with his FOCUS leaflet deliveries and shocked by the mindless vandalism at bus shelters (see right) - its not the part of the City I represent but I e-mailed into Planning & Transportation to advise them.
Have no doubt however that they will have been advised by more than me ... the Courier called me this afternoon (i.e. with "Finance Convener" hat on) about the cost to the City Council of vandalism each year.
Although we deplore this sort of mindless vandalism and work with Tayside Police to tackle it, I am pleased to say that the overall cost of vandalism to Dundee City Council property has halved in recent years. Click on the headline above to read a report from the Audit & Risk Management Sub-Committee from May 2006 for more detail.
Been trying to sort out broken lighting in a pathway at Seafield Lane. The Housing Association initially advised it was a City Council responsibility but its actually their's. Anyway, looking for a result from them very soon!

Saturday 28 October 2006

Phone Boxes, Litter again and Pennycook Lane

You'll recall that last month I raised concerns with BT about the condition of the phone box in Milnbank Road (see http://frasermacpherson.blogspot.com/2006/09/fords-lane-good-news-telephone-box.html) - I have e-mailed them again about this and at the same time have raised residents' concerns about the graffiti on the phone box in Magdalen Place - see below.
The Courier contacted me earlier in the week about the litter issue in Perth Road (see http://frasermacpherson.blogspot.com/2006/10/litter-in-perth-road.html) - and note the issue is reported in today's edition.
Lastly, following residents' concerns about the lack of a handrail in Pennycook Lane (east side next to sheltered housing) I have raised this with the City Council's Planning & Transportation Department. Following my request, a similar handrail in nearby Ford's Lane has been welcomed by residents and a handrail in Pennycook Lane would make a difference in the icy weather.

Friday 27 October 2006

Tay Square

I received a complaint yesterday that in Tay Square at the doctor's surgery - the pend on the right-hand side - where the recycling bins are - some of the setted surface is loose and one cassie is lying on its side.
Very efficient feedback this afternoon from the City Council :

"One of the inspectors from our team on his site visit has identified loose Cassie stones/covers. The area is adopted. A works order will be issued to Tayside Contracts to undertake the work."

Thursday 26 October 2006

Week thus far and Wighton Update

No posts last couple of days as I have been away a fair bit with the day job; however, useful meetings Tuesday about a number of local issues - eg flooding near Magdalen Green and about the Western Cemetery.
Also, here's an update via Sheena Wellington about fine fiddling at the Wighton!
"Well-known Fife fiddle player Karen Hannah is the featured artist in the Friends of Wighton lunchtime recital on Wednesday 1st November.
"Held in the lovely setting of the Wighton Heritage Centre in Dundee's Central Library, the recital is from 1.15 - 1.45pm and admission is free.
"A winner of the prestigious Danny Award at Celtic Connections some years ago, Karen is much in demand as player, tutor and workshop leader. Originally a student of the renowned Bob Edwards, founder of the Tayside Youth Strathspey & Reel Orchestra, she has also studied and performed with Alasdair Fraser and Aly Bain. Her fine blend of lyrical slow airs, fiery jigs and strict tempo reels have been heard at clubs, festivals, concerts and civic events throughout Scotland, across Europe and as far afield as New Zealand.
"Guest artist Sheena Wellington will join Karen for a couple of songs."

Monday 23 October 2006

Parking update & recycling step-forward ...

The first meeting of the Central Dundee Parking Strategy Focus Group took place this afternoon, including local councillors, Community Council representatives and Planning & Transportation officials. Looking firstly at the City Centre parking scheme, the intention is to thereafter consider appropriate parking schemes for the areas peripheral to the City Centre itself, such as the West End, Hilltown, Law area, etc.
It was a highly productive afternoon & the group meets again soon. It should be stressed that any parking scheme proposals will require extensive public consultation.
And ... it looks like we'll have a small recycling centre at the Roseangle Car Park soon. But, once the full proposal is sorted out, I want to consult adjacent residents before anything happens.

Sunday 22 October 2006

Litter in Perth Road

Since the schools went back for the autumn term, I've had a lot of complaints again about the amount of litter being dropped at lunchtimes in the Perth Road shopping area and the area westwards back towards the Harris. Having been in touch with both the Head Teacher at Harris Academy and the Waste Management Department, I've had good feedback from both. The feedback from Harris :-
"... start of new term. I have assemblies next week and will raise this again with all pupils. We will also have a senior managers in Perth Road at lunchtime."
and from Waste Management :

"Am aware this is an ongoing problem that we have addressed on a number of occasions. Despite putting in extra litter bins, it would appear they still prefer to throw litter on the ground. We will continue to be as vigilant as we can through the local beat man and I will also get our Enforcement Officers to monitor the area along with local Police Officer."
Good to see both the school & City Council taking steps to address this issue.


My council colleague (and sister in law) Helen, plus Janet & I had a great evening yesterday joining the Dundee Hindu community at their Diwali Festival in the Hindu Cultural & Community Centre in Taylor's Lane in my ward. Click on the headline to read more - also see photos below!

Friday 20 October 2006

The High Street Clock ...

Following the recent complaint about the new High Street clock running slow, its now, err ..., missing one if its hands.
The City Centre Manager advised me this afternoon that the repair required had been reported but that also the manufacturers have been written to, requesting that they come up to Dundee to sort out the various issues that have affected the clock since its installation.

Step Row & Roseangle

Just a short update : there was a hole in roadway on south side near Seabraes Court; the concern was someone could stick their foot down it & trip. There were also two missing drain covers towards the top end of Step Row, again a trip hazard.
Responses received from the City Council :

Step Row - The developers are responsible for this and have been contacted and requested to make safe.
Roseangle - Missing gully lid made safe and order raised for new gully lid. Track has been referred to statutory undertakers and made safe.

Thursday 19 October 2006

Belfast, City Centre, Riverside Approach, Seabraes

Was in Belfast Tuesday/Wednesday with the "day job" - we ran a professional meeting on local government reform at Belfast City Hall - keynote speaker Sir Michael Lyons of the Lyons Inquiry - excellent day. As the photo shows, Belfast City Hall is a superb civic centre.
If you click on the headline above, you can read the article about my latest City Centre & Harbour Community Council update (and indeed download it) - attended half the meeting tonight (slightly exhausted after last couple of days!) but useful discussion on festive and other matters.

Good news! Photo below shows Network Rail busy replacing the blue boards today on Riverside Approach - but less good is the other photo from a local resident showing the glass at Seabraes. The City Council met with SET earlier this week to explore the detail of a proper maintenance arrangement; meantime I have requested that the glass gets cleaned up.

Monday 16 October 2006

More photos ...

Some photos from Conference:

First : Brighton beach - it was dreadfully lovely weather.

Second : Gala Performance Awards Dinner.

Third : Sir Trevor MacDonald was host.

All in all a great Conference; Belfast event later this week is next ...

Ok, more tomorrow was more Monday than Sunday ..

We had a dreadfully busy Sunday between constituent replies (serves me right for going to Brighton! - backlog now cleared) and finishing FOCUS newsletter delivery (accomplished!) so blog is a day late. I suppose it sums up the power of a blog that the fact you are a day late with the next entry is mentioned by a lady at your surgery tonight!

OK then, chronological order:-

* BRIGHTON - Very enjoyable Institute Conference. Its the day job and it was great to see old friends. Here's me (second left) with good friends Colin, Bill & Julie - and Julie's just been elected Institute National Junior Vice President!
* CORONATION STREET - So Rosie and Craig didn't quite run off into the sunset together (you can tell the Council meetings were not too late tonight!) But the absolutely fantastic news is my inclusion as Corrieblog's Celebrity Fan (click on headline above!) - many thanks Flaming Nora, editor of Corrieblog!
* BACK TO BUSINESS - Recent issues as follows:
1 No Ball Games Sign missing on Magdalen Green - have reported.
2 Spoken with University of Dundee about shrubbery protruding onto footway on Nethergate just west of Park Place.
3 Missing drain covers in Step Row - reported to Planning & Transportation; also drainage grill on Perth Road near Ryehill Lane getting replaced following my complaint (it keeps falling off!)
4 No electronic information/bus timetables at the Waterstone's bus shelter/stop in Commercial Street - reported to City Council.
5 More HMO disturbances complaints over weekend; have reported - but forthcoming report to Planning & Transportation Committee will limit or "cap" HMOs - a sensible proposal.
* AND LASTLY - Finance Committee of Dundee City Council (which I chair) tonight agreed a very sensible proposal to extend discretionary rates relief to some charities. Good move.

Saturday 14 October 2006

Sign to be sorted

Further to the mis-spelt sign at Pinegrove (to see earlier story click on headline above), good news from the Planning & Transportation Department (as I plough through my e-mail backlog tonight!) :
"Tayside Contracts did inform us that the Shepherd's Loan sign had been mis-spelt. A replacement sign has already been ordered and will be put up as soon as they receive it from their signshop."
More tomorrow!

Back from Brighton!

Been away at my Institute's Conference in Brighton (more on that later!) and just back so a short post to say we've been out delivering my latest West End FOCUS today to constituents - click on the headline above to view the news story about it and to download the on-line edition!

Wednesday 11 October 2006

Ok, Corrie over, here's the rest ...

And taking of Corrie, got a really nice e-mail from Glenda (aka Flaming Nora) editor of Corrieblog following my earlier blog about Coronation Street and www.corrieblog.tv - and she tells me LibDems have already been mentioned on the Corrie Blog (click on headline above to view!)
Ok, back to business! Homebase site - lots of residents asking what's happening with the site following planning approval. You'll recall I was strongly against the planning application but it was unfortunately approved last December. Here's the latest feedback from the City Council planning officer :-
"I have recently contacted the applicants agent (11.10.2006) who has advised that, at this time, it is intended to commence demolition of the Homebase building early 2007 (Jan / Feb). This is anticipated to take approx. 8 weeks as material to be recycled on site and re-used in development works. Construction works anticipated to commence mid 2007."
A fair bit of white coloured graffiti has appeared at Sinderins (and mentioned at Community Council last night) - I have reported this to Waste Management asking that the Rapid Response Team remove it.
And taking of graffiti, complaints about more graffiti at Seabraes - this time on the viewing platforms - SET tell me they have passed on my complaint to their sub-contractor.

Lots to report back on...

Ok, the last couple of days have been seriously busy, so I'll start with the chronology ..

4 pm : West End Christmas Week meeting - very good progress - on launch day (2nd December - art mural and street football for primary children from St Joseph's, Park Place & Blackness Primaries); on 6th December, Children's Concert in Dundee West Church followed by torchlit procession to Seabraes, Christmas Lights Switch-On and a rather larger fireworks display than last year - and many thanks to Robin Carstairs and West End business community for making this possible; and on 7th December a Bands Night at Dundee University Students Association for Harris Academy pupils. Add in a Snowflake Spotting Competition for children, a Shoppers' Prize Draw, Christmas Card Competition, Blackness Library events and lots more - a superb to Christmas in the superb West End!
5.30pm : Along with a member of West End Community Council, I had a pre-meeting with the Chief Executive and two other staff of Margaret Blackwood Housing Association, followed by a meeting with residents at Blackwood Court, Glamis Road, about concerns about changes to services planned for April of next year. This could result in the loss of the 9am-5pm warden service, a matter of real and genuine concern to the residents. I attended in the absence on leave of Bailie Neil Powrie (who represents the people of Blackwood Court) and I'll be updating Neil about the meeting on his return. Meantime, I have contacted the Director of Social Work about a number of aspects.
7pm : West End Community Council. An excellent, lively meeting. I gave an update on the Magdalen Green meeting and there was an update on the Dundee Civic Forum members' visit to Sweden, an update of our (very recent!) Christmas Week meeting, planning matters and a number of other local issues.

Seemed like hundreds (exaggeration!) of constituent phone calls and e-mails today but was most enjoyable bit was attending presentation of £50 Overgate Voucher to Alan Pitcairn, the City Centre resident who won the Recycling Draw held recently. So here's the pic! From left : Jill Darling (City Centre & Harbour Community Council), me, Representative of Overgate Centre who kindly sponsored the draw, Alan the winner!, and Cllr Julie Sturrock, Convener of Environmental Services and Sustainability.
Off to watch Corrie, more later tonight!

Monday 9 October 2006

FOCUS for Tait's Lane - and sad demise of Fred Elliot ...

Delivered a special edition of FOCUS today to the residents in Tait's Lane about the road resurfacing - click on the headline above to view.
Been doing my filing - various parts of the West End spread across the lounge, dining room, hall ... you get the picture! Janet awfully impressed, not. Anyway, all filed but do not believe the paperless society is with us just yet!

And lastly, superb Coronation Street tonight (favourite TV programme in the world - normally watch Monday's on Tuesday but its the Council recess!) - Fred Elliot is no more - tears all round, I say, tears all round. Anyway, for more, see http://www.corrieblog.tv/ - great stuff!

Sunday 8 October 2006

Latest West End Community Council update

I've released my latest update for Tuesday's West End Community Council meeting - to read the story on my website, go to :
You can download the update itself by either going to the Community Council website (www.wecc.org.uk) or by clicking the headline above.

Saturday 7 October 2006

Tay Square Mosaic ... not finished but getting there ...

The repair to the mosaic in Tay Square is not yet finished as the photo (right) testifies to but I am assured by the City Council that its all in hand & will be finished soon. It'll be good to see the mosaic (in front of the Rep) properly restored.

A busy Saturday helping my sister in law (Cllr Helen Dick) & her team deliver part of Strathmartine Ward - and - what a team! - delivered in no-time. Offered to help Sunday - not needed, all done!

But I've a West End leaflet to write, so time not exactly wasted!

Friday 6 October 2006

Lunch with the Bridge Project ... and its great to be able to spell!

Its probably a sign of age, but, given that I feel I have some grasp of grammar and spelling, I get a bit irritated at spelling and grammatical errors. Now, it was really nice of the City Council to react so very quickly to my request for signs at Pinegrove, but the one at ShepHerd's Loan looks a little sad ... see above right. Anyway, I've reported it and I dare say we'll get a replacement soon.

I have promised Rev Andrew Greaves of Dundee West Church for ages that I'll have lunch at the Bridge Project one Friday and Janet & I made it today. Super lunch and really friendly welcome!
That's me (below) finishing off my soup. You can read more about the project by clicking the headline above but in short, the project in has been running a Food Co-operative since September 2004, with support from the Scottish Countryside Alliance Educational Trust.
Its a brilliant project, attracting lots of local people of all ages to Dundee West Church every Friday - to enjoy a great value, nutritious lunch. Was good to chat with many West End residents too!
Oh, and really positive news on the West End Christmas Week - with great support from the shops and other businesses relative to the fireworks display - a great Christmas Week for the West End lies ahead!

Thursday 5 October 2006

Good News ** Scottish Gas Networks disruption coming to an end

Many residents and local businesses have been asking when the road disruption in Sinderins area is likely to end (ie when Scottish Gas Networks complete the gas main works) - got a response from the City Council this afternoon, which is good news in that things should be back to normal early next week - to quote:-

"SGN are coming to the end of this project. The excavations remaining open will be backfilled and reinstated over the next few days and by Monday night the site should be clear.

"The work has gone on longer than expected because the initial plan was to insert the main, with only isolated excavations needed. Unfortunately on starting the job this option proved impossible and was replaced with an open-cut method. This method is more time-consuming. Another factor was Scottish Water plant at Pinegrove caused a deviation in route and more careful digging.

"The closure of the slip road seems to be causing controversy but is closed on safety grounds. Stages of the job required single phase movement between Blackness Avenue and Perth Road meaning no traffic could emerge from that slip road and possibly meet west bound traffic head on.

"The closures on Shepherds Loan and Strawberrybank went back on this week to facilitate service transfers and mains tie-ins."

Wednesday 4 October 2006

Trolleys, seagulls & the bin collection ...

Firstly, thanks goes to Tesco Riverside who have taken action regarding a shopping trolley left by some joker 12ft up in the air on a "No Waiting" sign in Seafield Road! Residents pointed it out to me when I was round there last night and following my e-mailing the Tesco Manager, its been removed. Frankly it has the potential to drop off the pole onto a parked vehicle, but as the Tesco Manager says - "the trolley is now back in the flock!!"
Secondly, for those West End residents wanting to be added to a wheelie bin route, good news!
Was advised today from Waste Management that money has been made available for the introduction of a new wheelie bin route and the parts of the West End not presently included will be under consideration. It is anticipated new routes will be introduced in April 2007.
And lastly, seagulls! Lots of concerns from residents about this in recent months. I have been speaking to Environmental Services & Trading Standards (EHTS) about this & the problem of burst open blag bags in some streets. Got further feedback from the department today -
"Waste Management's Trade Waste Officer is to be addressing this. EHTS will thereafter investigate any complaints of domestic waste being irresponsibly presented.

"As far as the gulls are concerned, we intend adopting a pro-active approach next year and will be active early in the year, prior to the nesting season, alerting property owners of the availability of our pest control service to nip nest building in the bud."

Tuesday 3 October 2006

Graffiti Update/Friends of Wighton Autumn Season

Firstly, re the graffiti I mentioned on Sunday in Riverside Drive - click on headline to view article - Scottish & Southern Electricity tell me its not their building. I suspect therefore its Scottish Water's so I have contacted them.
Secondly, Sheena Wellington has kindly given details of the Friends of Wighton new series of free monthly lunchtime recitals :

"On Wednesday 4th October, 1.15pm - 1.45pm in the Wighton Heritage Centre, Dundee Central Library, Wellgate Centre, the Friends of Wighton will hold the first in their series of free monthly lunchtime recitals.

"Featuring Simon Chadwick (early clàrsach), this recital is a rare chance to hear old Irish and Scottish Gaelic harp music performed on a replica of the medieval "Queen Mary" harp with brass, silver and gold strings.
"Following the success of the Friends of Wighton song workshops held in partnership with Fest'n'Furious during September, these will restart on Saturday 7th October. Start time is 11am and fees are £2/£1 concessions.

"Main tutors are Sheena Wellington and Maureen Jelks, and other distinguished singers will hold special workshops and masterclasses during the series.

"On Saturday 21st October, Angus Folk will host a day long workshop in the Wighton Heritage Centre with the renowned traditional singer Gordeanna McCulloch."

Monday 2 October 2006

Perth Road Lanes

Over the years, many constituents have contacted me about traffic management in the Perth Road lanes.
Quite a few people have asked if changing some roads (eg Thomson Street or Step Row) from two-way traffic to one-way would help improve traffic flow - that said, other residents have opposed this as one-way traffic would inevitably speed cars up.
In response to a number of recent comments on this subject from residents, I have again taken up the issue of traffic management with the Planning & Transportation Department - here's the latest feedback received:-
"The main problem appears to be related to moving into the traffic stream when parked and not knowing the direction of on-coming traffic, as well as opposing traffic on the resulting narrow carriageway.

"Traffic management of streets south of Perth Road has been looked at several times over the years. Other than Shepherds Loan which is signalised, any other road which is one-way is in the south bound direction -mainly due to the steep gradients and reduced visibility at the Perth Road junctions. Discounting unsuitable narrow roads where through traffic is undesirable, it is effectively Thomson Street and Step Row that are two-way through routes. Should Thomson Street become one-way southbound, that would result in increased displaced traffic northbound in Step Row, and it is also likely that Thomson Street could be more attractive for southbound traffic with higher s/b flow at higher speeds where the risk of meeting opposing traffic would be removed. There would also be increased right turning traffic at Step Row / Perth Road junction which is undesirable. The alternative routes for n/b traffic would be Roseangle or Magdalen Yard Road / Windsor Street, but the increased journey time involved is likely to result in higher speeds in these streets where similar 'give and take' traffic movements occur due to parked vehicles. It is interesting to note that an inspection of recorded injury accidents for the period 2003-2005 show none in the streets south of Perth Road or Roseangle, Magdalen Yard Road or Windsor Street.

"Although at times there can be opposing traffic in Thomson Street, there are 2 junctions (one at Seafield Lane and the other near no. 46) which allow passing and visibility is clear between them on this 150metre stretch. Looking at the direction of parked cars, about 2/3 are facing s/b anyway, which makes it easier to pull out from parking spaces. If the road was one-way, I would consider it more of an inconvenience to those residents accessing from the south than the difficulty experienced from moving out of the parking space."
As always, I'd be grateful for residents' feedback on this issue - you can e-mail me at trafficissues@frasermacpherson.org.uk.

Sunday 1 October 2006

Riverside Drive and Tay Talk-In ...

A couple of issues in the Riverside Drive area:

* A member of West End Community Council has contacted me about a small piece of land where Scottish Water planted roses some time ago. From Magdalen Green, its across the rail bridge between it and the changing rooms where the former Water Board built a Pump-House for the pipe system under the railway. Anyway, the roses are now completely choked with weeds and the area to the west is also covered in broken glass and old fork-lift wooden carrying trays.

Anyway, I've reported this to Scottish Water's Business and Community Relations Regional Manager who advises me that she is getting the issue progressed.

* See picture (below).
This graffiti is on the electricity sub-station nearby the above. I've reported this to the Maintenance Team Manager of the Tayside & Central Depot of Scottish & Southern Electricity.
Earlier today, spoke to Ally on the Tay Talk-In about the Police non-emergency (Dundee 223200) number following visit to Tayside Police on Tuesday (click on headline above to view).
Also spent a bit of the weeken helping LibDem colleagues in Broughty Ferry with leaflet deliveries - a whole lot wet this morning but lovely afternoon!