Monday 30 April 2018

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend



South Union Street/South Marketgait at Dundee Railway Station – northbound nearside lane closure from 9.30am for 2 weeks for footway works.

Perth Road (at West Park Road) – temporary traffic lights for up to one week for gas main repair.

Lochee Road (at Tullideph Road) – temporary traffic lights from Tuesday 1 May for 5 days for Scottish Water mains repair.

Sunday 29 April 2018

Saturday 28 April 2018

Sound Advice event

Sound Advice is a free event and the first of its kind for 13 – 17 year olds considering a career in the dance music or events industry

Held on Saturday 5th May at the University of Dundee, Sound Advice features presentations and workshops from dance music industry professionals.  Your pupils will receive advice on the key disciplines of what is now a multi-billion dollar, global industry; from record producers and DJs; venue managers and festival organisers; to graphic designers and lighting engineers.  In addition, there will be a Q&A discussing how women can succeed in what is still a male dominated industry.

Later that evening there will be an opportunity for some pupils to spend an hour behind the scenes at the DDE Under 18’s Dance Party.

This is a free event, with everyone giving their time for free in order to celebrate 2018 Year of Young People.

For more information and for pupils to register for their free tickets go to

Please note attendance is limited to 120 and the free tickets will be allocated on a first come, first served basis.

Friday 27 April 2018

The Quiggs at the Wighton

From Sheena Wellington :

Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library - Saturday 28th April - 11am (doors open 10.30am) 

Cappuccino Concert with The Quiggs

“The Quiggs” is a Scottish/Danish duo consisting of husband and wife, Stephen and Pernille Quigg. Stephen Quigg is a long established folksinger and former member of the legendary band “The McCalmans” and Pernille Quigg, originally from Denmark, is a folksinger and songwriter.

Together they comprise “The Quiggs”. Stephen and Pernille share a common feeling for the tradition of folksong and both know a good song when they hear it. The combination of the two voices in close harmony in songs whether traditional or contemporary  interspersed with anecdotes and a touch of humour has received much praise from both audiences and organisers. They have toured together in Denmark, Germany and The Netherlands with great success. A concert with The Quiggs is a chance to hear folksong in its original form - simple, yet highly expressive, beautiful harmonies and songs that seek the audience's participation.

The duo has previously released the album "River of Time" in 2015, which received fine reviews and airplay on several programmes in BBC and other European radio stations. In March 2017 “The Quiggs” released their new CD „Seeds I Didn't Sow”, which recently featured as album of the week on Celtic Music Radio and was described by's Mike Davies as, “Unquestionably one of the best folk albums of the year.”

Indeed the year ahead looks like a busy one for “The Quiggs” with concert and festival bookings in Scotland and across Europe.

Stephen Quigg, former member of the legendary folk group The McCalmans, has performed as a folksinger for 40 years. Stephen was part of the McCalmans for 10 years during that time, he performed at festivals and concerts big and small both in Scotland and abroad. He continued to work solo alongside his career in the group and has toured the length and breadth of Scotland  during most of his life. Stephen's repertoire ranges from traditional ballads to footstomping songs of battle well mixed with a certain amount of humour. Stephen blends contemporary and traditional material with ease, which ensures a varied evening. Stephen accompanies himself on guitar, bodhran and banjo and with an outstanding voice you can watch him capture the attention of any audience.

Pernille Quigg is of Danish origin but has been living on the west coast of Scotland for the past 12 years. As the surname reveals, she married into the Scottish folk scene after which she herself became part of that scene. Pernille, though, was no stranger to the music and has been singing folk songs for many years, she is now also being noted as a gifted songwriter. Pernille plays guitar and sings in a voice often described as crystal clear. Her repertoire extends from traditional to contemporary to original songs – the common denominator though is, that they all have a story to tell. Pernille released her debut album “Driftwood” in 2012, which received fine reviews in print and was also aired on both Danish Radio and on BBC's Radio Scotland amongst others.  

Arrive at 10.30am to grab a coffee and a newspaper, then sit back and relax from 11am-12 noon to enjoy the concert! 

£5 tickets on the door, and a suggested donation of £1 for coffee and newspaper.

Thursday 26 April 2018

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Balgay Bowling Club event!

Tuesday 24 April 2018

Graffiti vandalism reported in Step Row

I have slammed mindless vandalism caused by graffiti vandals who have defaced a prominent building in Step Row – see photo below :
I have been contacted by residents who are extremely annoyed at this stupid vandalism.   It is also on some other parts of the street and unfortunately because of the sandstone quality of the wall, managing to get completely rid of the graffiti will prove a challenge.

I have asked the council’s Rapid Response Team to remove it and have also highlighted the matter to Police Scotland.    

It is extremely disappointing to see this sort of stupid and deliberate damage taking place.

Monday 23 April 2018

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend



South Union Street/South Marketgait at Dundee Railway Station – northbound nearside lane closure from 9.30am for 3 weeks for footway works.

Sunday 22 April 2018

West End roads and pavements improvements 2018/19

The City Council released information last week about the roads and pavements it intends to resurface over the current financial year.

In the West End, these are as follows :

Adopted Footway Programme 2018‐19

Milnbank Road (Rosefield Street to Easson's Angle, both sides)
Minto Place (East leg, East & North sides)

Unadopted Footway Programme 2018‐19

Glamis Drive (West End only)
Menzieshill Road (South footway)
Oxford Street (East footway)

Non‐Adopted Asset Programme 2018‐19

Balgay Park (Various footpaths)
Ninewells Avenue (Both paths Perth Road to Ninewells Drive)
Pentland Avenue Steps

Carriageway Programme 2018‐19

Tullideph Road (Lochee Road to Ancrum Road)

As I indicated in the Courier last week, I welcome any resurfacing or other improvements to our roads and pavements in the city but there has to be a real debate across the council about the long-term as what the council does not say in its publicity about this is that there has been a real terms cut in funding for resurfacing this year.

The adopted carriageway budget has been reduced by 20% from £3.095m (2017/18) to £2.5m (2018/19). 

The adopted footway programme is on a second year of budget reduction from £630k (2016/17) to £500k (2018/19). 

Councils face significant financial challenges but the bottom line is that there needs to be discussion about reinstating capital programme for roads and pavements in future years if there is not to be deterioration of the roads and footpaths estate as a whole across the city.  

I particularly welcome further progress with tackling unadopted footways including parts of Glamis Drive, Menzieshill Road and Oxford Street in the West End but it is vital that roads and pavement programmes as a whole are given sufficient capital investment going forward.

Saturday 21 April 2018

Vintage Market

Friday 20 April 2018

Friends of Balgay Spring meeting

The next Friends of Balgay meeting will be at 2pm on Saturday 28th April at the Mills Observatory.

Author and historian Murdo Fraser will give a talk on 'Montrose and Argyll' - his recent book - and all are very welcome to attend.

Thursday 19 April 2018

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Scottish Fair Trade Nation Lecture 2018

Fairtrade: enabling sustainable, quality coffee from small-holder value chains
Monday 30th April at 6pm 
Lecture Theatre 1, Dalhousie Building, University of Dundee

This year, Ewan Reid, Director of Coffee at Glasgow-based, Matthew Algie, one of the UK's leading coffee roasters specialising in sustainable sourcing will be speaker. 

With a 20-year Fairtrade heritage starting with the UK's first Fairtrade espresso in 1997, today nearly 90% of the company's sourcing is Fairtrade. Matthew Algie supplies coffee to the cafe and hospitality sector including Marks & Spencer coffee shops and around 2,500 independent coffee shops, bars and restaurants.

Ewan has worked for the company since joining as a graduate in 1993 and joined the Board in 2002. 

With a background in food science, he oversees a variety of business areas including roastery operations, quality assurance, green coffee supply chain, R&D and sustainability. A frequent visitor to Matthew Algie’s supply chain partner co-operatives in producing countries, he is also a member of Fairtrade International’s Coffee Advisory Council. 

At the Fair Trade Nation Lecture, Ewan will provide an overview of why Matthew Algie choose to use Fairtrade coffee. He will also explore the Fairtrade coffee market and the challenges and opportunities of the Fairtrade coffee system.

The lecture will start at 6pm and will be followed by Q&A and discussion. 

Tea and Coffee will be served from 5.30pm.    There will be drinks and refreshments afterwards. 

This is a free event.     All are welcome but please do register for a ticket on Eventbrite here.

Tuesday 17 April 2018

Monday 16 April 2018

West End Surgeries #dundeewestend

With the Easter school holidays now over, it is back to West End Ward surgeries this coming week.   My Mitchell Street Centre and Harris Academy surgeries take place later today.

My full surgery details are below – although I can also be contacted via or phone me at home on 459378 anytime :

Sunday 15 April 2018

Friends of the University of Dundee Botanic Garden event #dundeewestend

Friends' talk Sunday 22nd April at 2pm 
- the history of the area around the Botanic Garden 

This talk has been rescheduled from 4th March when it was cancelled due to the snow.

Keith Walker, an expert on Dundee's local history, will talk about Will's Braes and the lands around the Botanic Garden. He has spent his life researching Dundee's history, has contributed  frequently to the Craigie Column, and conducts research for the City Archives and local history specialists. 

As usual the talk is in the Education Centre at 2pm - all welcome!

Saturday 14 April 2018

Getting things done - Nethergate #dundeewestend

Residents have drawn to my attention that in Nethergate - north side, between Park Place and bus stop just west of that - one of the large pavement edging stones has been dislodged, probably by heavy vehicle.

As a result, a big hole has appeared between the stone and the pavement, which someone might easily put their foot into and twist their ankle.

I reported this to the council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and have received the following positive response :

"The Road Maintenance Partnership inspector for the area has raised an order to re-set the whin kerb at this location."

Friday 13 April 2018

Recycling changes from next Monday #dundeewestend

I have now spoken with many residents in the areas of the West End affected by the recycling changes from 16th April.

The only parts of the ward unaffected are the streets around the West End Lanes and Perth Road area closest to the lanes as they were in the last phase of the recycling rollout last year and already on the revised recycling arrangements.   

The rest of the West End Ward was covered by the original Phase 1 and 2 recycling rollouts in 2015 so are affected because of the introduction of the Scottish Government's Code of Practice  (in relation to what can be recycled together) so  the household system will change for everyone in Phases 1 and 2,

So from the 16th paper/card = blue bin;  tins/plastics = burgundy bin.    Burgundy bin will no longer be used for glass which will be recycled at neighbourhood "bring" sites and not at a household level.   Along with Bill, I met with environment officers to discuss the siting of the glass “bring sites” – I am anxious that these are sensitively sited away from residents’ homes.   If any of the sites cause complaints or problems after 16th April, the officers assure me that they will be re-sited or removed,

I was pleased to discuss issues with residents at the “drop in” event the council’s Neighbourhood Services held at Blackness Library and happy to discuss the matter further with any resident.

You can read more about the changes here.

Thursday 12 April 2018

Harris Education and Recreation Association - new evening classes! #dundeewestend

Here's details below of the Harris Education and Recreation Association new evening classes.

HERA enrolment night will take place in Harris Academy on Tuesday 24th April from 6pm.

Wednesday 11 April 2018

West End Local Community Plan #dundeewestend

The Dundee Partnership has recently launched the local community plans covering the various communities across the city.

Here in the West End, our own local community planning partnership has highlighted a number of priorities for the West End for the next few years and these include :

Tuesday 10 April 2018

Extra Recital at the Wighton today

From Sheena Wellington :

Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library
Today - Tuesday 10th April - 1.15pm – 1.45pm
Lunchtime Recital - Thomas Allery, harpsichord

The famous Wighton harpsichord will get a special airing in the second of our April Lunchtime Recitals when the renowned musician and scholar Thomas Allery pays the Wighton Collection a visit.

Thomas Allery is an organist, choral conductor and harpsichordist based in London and Oxford. He enjoys a varied career spanning work as an organist and choral director in church music, continuo playing, research and teaching. 

Thomas is the Director of Chapel Music at Worcester College, Oxford, where he is responsible for the musical development of the Chapel choirs and organ scholars. He directs and trains the two Chapel choirs, of mixed and boys’ voices, for regular chapel services and for a busy schedule of concerts, tours and recordings. Worcester College is unique in Oxford in maintaining two student chapel choirs, each of which maintains a separate and flourishing schedule including regular commissions, trips, and performance with period instruments.

Thomas graduated with Distinction from the Masters programme at the Royal College of Music, London, in 2014, where he studied organ with Margaret Phillips and harpsichord with Terence Charlston.  

The Wighton Harpsichord is a French double-manual instrument after the C18 maker Nicholas Blanchet. It was built by Mark Stevenson, Cambridge 1983 for the distinguished musician Annette Heilbron (1928–2011) and is widely regarded as one of the finest harpsichords in use today.

Admission to the recital is free, donations welcome.

Monday 9 April 2018

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend



South Union Street/South Marketgait at Dundee Railway Station – northbound nearside lane closure from 9.30am for 5 weeks for footway works.

Glamis Road (Blackness Road to Perth Road) – off-peak (9.30am – 3.30pm) stop/go traffic control from Tuesday 10 April for 2 days for crane lifting works.

Sunday 8 April 2018

West End Community Council Update #dundeewestend

I have today launched my April 2018 Update to West End Community Council.    Subjects covered include:

•         Recycling changes for much of the West End from 16th April  
•         Speeding – Magdalen Yard Road   
•         Road safety – Perth Road/Riverside Drive junction
•         West End Community and Sports Hub

The Community Council meets on Tuesday evening at Logie St John's (Cross) Church Hall at 7pm - all residents welcome.      You can download my Update here.

Here’s the agenda :

TUESDAY 10th APRIL  2018  AT  7.00PM

12. DATE  OF  NEXT  MEETING – Tuesday 8th May 2018

Light refreshments will be provided.

Saturday 7 April 2018

The Steeple comes to the rescue!

From Sheena Wellington :
Tannahill Weavers - The Steeple, Nethergate - Wednesday 11th April at 7.30pm

Tayside fans of legendary folk band the Tannahill Weavers thought they were going to miss out on their 50th Anniversary Tour when maintenance work on HMS Unicorn threatened to scupper their planned 11th April gig there.   With this special tour involving some 80 gigs, and ranging from the Rockies to the Rhineland, getting the band on another date was proving impossible. 

Step forward the good folk at The Steeple in the Nethergate!   They heard of the problem, had the date available and so the show will go on, Wednesday 11th April at 7.30pm as planned, in their beautiful and historic venue. 

Tickets, priced £12/£10 concessions, are available here and from Dundee Box Office - 434940.  Tickets already purchased for the Unicorn are valid for The Steeple, of course.

As they celebrate their 50th anniversary in 2018, the Tannahill Weavers are one of Scotland's premier traditional bands. Their diverse repertoire spans the centuries with fire-driven instrumentals, topical songs, and original ballads and lullabies. These versatile musicians have received worldwide accolades consistently over the years for their exuberant performances and outstanding recording efforts that seemingly can't get better...yet continue to do just that.

The current line-up includes founder members Roy Gullane, who plays guitar, sings lead vocals and tells silly stories to hilarious effect, and Tayport-based Phil Smillie, who plays heart-melting flute, bodhran, and whistles, and sings harmony vocals.   John Martin,   formerly of Contraband, Ossian and the Easy Club, plays fiddle, cello, and viola as well as singing bass vocals.  

In 2014 they were joined by innovative piper Lorne MacDougall, who likes people to be aware he wasn’t even born when the others started this musical journey!  Lorne comes with a high pedigree, having, among many other highlights, arranged and performed pipes for the Disney Pixar movie "Brave."

Over the years the Tannies have been trailblazers for Scottish music, and their tight harmonies and powerful, inventive arrangements have won them fans from beyond the folk and Celtic music scenes.  Their immense contribution was acknowledged in 2011 when the band was inducted into the Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame. 

As they reach their 50th anniversary in 2018, the Tannahill Weavers are firmly established as one of the premier groups on the concert stage. From reflective ballads to footstomping reels and jigs, the variety and range of the material they perform is matched only by their enthusiasm and lively Celtic spirits.

Friday 6 April 2018

A Meeting of Minds - Mental Health Past & Present

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

A Meeting of Minds - Mental Health Past & Present
Tuesday 10th April at 5.30pm
Baxter 1.36, Tower Building, University of Dundee

How can looking at examples from the past help us to understand mental health issues today? 

Historians and health professionals meet to explore the lessons we can learn from looking at psychiatry's history.

Free but places should be booked via Eventbrite here.

Thursday 5 April 2018

Wednesday 4 April 2018

Community Spirit Action Group meeting tonight #dundeewestend

Details of the next meeting of Community Spirit Action Group taking place tonight - the community group for the "north" part of West End Ward, covering Pentland, Tullideph, Ancrum, Forest Park and the Cleghorn area – all very welcome :

Tuesday 3 April 2018

Friends of Wighton event tomorrow

From Sheena Wellington :

Wighton Heritage Centre, Central Library : Wednesday 4th April - 1.15pm – 1.45pm

Lunchtime Recital with Simon Chadwick - Medieval Harp

It is always a delight when our own harp tutor Simon Chadwick gives us the chance to sit and just listen to him play.  

On this occasion Simon will be playing traditional Scottish and Irish tunes on the big Irish harp, one of the several fascinating replica instruments which unite his twin passions of music and archaeology. 

Simon is a busy man, regularly travelling for concerts and festivals, teaching and creating online illustrated lectures for his website.    Getting him for a recital is a very special treat!

Admission free – donations welcome.

Monday 2 April 2018

Weekly Road Report - West End Ward #dundeewestend



South Union Street/South Marketgait at Dundee Railway Station – northbound nearside lane closure from 9.30am for 6 weeks for footway works.

Glamis Road (at Blackness Road) – off-peak temporary traffic lights on Friday 6 April for Scottish Water ironwork repair.

Sunday 1 April 2018