Saturday 5 February 2022

Super-fast broadband - Menzieshill Road #dundeewestend

I am grateful to the Menzieshill Road resident who contacted me recently to say that the work by City Fibre to install super-fast broadband infrastructure in Menzisehill Road had covered only part of the street, which would leave the remainder of the street without access to the system should they wish it as it becomes available.

I contacted the City Council about this and it appears this error by City Fibre was due to a misunderstanding about what pavements were adopted by the local authority. It is now the case that the whole of Menzieshill Road's pavements are adopted.

I have now had the following feedback from the council :

"There had been a miscommunication between City Fibre and someone from within Dundee City Council which has now been clarified. City Fibre plan to return in 6-8 weeks to install their network."

In addition to Menzieshill Road, I have assisted a number of residents with issues around the work by City Fibre and quality of pavement reinstatement and I am happy to speak with any residents with any issues around this work.