Sunday 6 February 2022

Home Heating Support Fund

Many residents have highlighted concerns about soaring heating bills, so it is good to have been advised of the Home Heating Support Fund which is open until 31st March. 

Residents cannot apply directly, but they should contact Advice Direct Scotland for free on 0808 800 9060 or visit, and trained advisers can assess their eligibility and refer them if appropriate.

Even if they are not eligible, Advice Direct Scotland can offer free advice on energy and debt issues.

Targeted funding from the Home Heating Support Fund will reflect each individual’s circumstances, with extra support available for households where one person is over 75, they rely on electric heating, or live in a remote or island community.

Payments start at £100, rising to £500 to clear outstanding debt, with the money paid directly to suppliers on behalf of the household.

Eligibility is based on households which are ‘self-rationing’ their energy, meaning those who are deliberately limiting their energy use so that they can afford to spend money on other goods or services. This could be as a result of home-working or home-schooling due to the pandemic.

More information on the Home Heating Support Fund is available here -