Sunday 3 October 2021

Getting things done - Park Place - an update #dundeewestend

As residents will recall, over some months, I have raised numerous concerns from residents about the state of the bins in Park Place, near to the junction with the West Port.

These are not all council bins for residents' use but there are also commercial bins there for business use and the Enforcement Officer in the council's Community Safety and Protection team has been very helpful on the issue and liaising with business users.

She has now updated me as follows :

"I again visited Park Place and visited several of the businesses that store bins at Park Place.

As a result of these visits it was discovered that there was excess bins at Park Place due to a change in business ownership.

The excess bins, of which there were 5, have now been uplifted and I have asked a street cleaner to attend to remove any spillage/littering from the overflowing bins."