Monday 19 June 2023

Update on Perth Road environmental improvements #dundeewestend

Residents will recall the information we have previously posted on possible environmental improvements in Perth Road at three locations - Pennycook Lane outside the police station, the Miller's Wynd car park and area around the West End Community Fridge and the Sinderins "triangle."

We updated residents back in February with the detailed designs and sought feedback which was very positive.    This will brighten up the three sites.

It had been hoped that tender reports for approval would have come to council committee for approval this month but we have been updated by the lead officer as follows :

"The Perth Road project has hit some significant problems at Pennycook Lane.

In short, we've uncovered a whole host of underground issues including very shallow foundations on the adjacent building and a large void under the stairs. We’ve had to redesign the solution there to reduce the weight which has caused us a bit of delay meaning we had to miss June Committee.

The next available committee is now August. All 3 Perth Road sites are linked as they're in the same tender package for the contractors.

On a more positive note, I spotted in the community council minutes that there was an issue with the notice board outside Sainsbury’s and they were looking to make funding applications to replace it. I've included a new notice board within the package of works and let them know."