Thursday 29 April 2021

Logie area - house insulation update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, some time ago, I highlighted a site visit I had undertaken to two then void council properties in the Logie area to view the trial at internal insulation the council had undertaken to ensure the council properties in Logie have better insulation and all properties meet the Energy Efficiency in Social Housing Standard (EESSH) target.

As the tenants are aware, as the oldest council estate in Scotland and its Conservation status, external insulation is not possible and an internal solution is the way of ensuring warm homes into the future.

The work in the trial properties was very impressive. However, due to the COVID-19 health emergency, progress with this across Logie has been delayed so I asked the City Council for an update.

The Head of Housing and Communities has now advised as follows :

"Thank you for your recent enquiry on progress with EESSH . I can confirm the latest compliance figure is 86.05% (as of March 2021). This figure will be updated prior to our Social Housing Charter return to the Scottish Housing Regulator in May and with further EPCs lodged which have been delayed due to the Pandemic the figure should increase to nearer 90%.

Regarding the Logie estate it is still our plan to provide internal wall insulation to tenanted houses on this estate and we are looking at combining with other programmes to provide a more comprehensive solution however we are at the early stages of scoping this out.

COVID-19 has significantly delayed our insulation programme and we are only able to start our 2019/20 Programme at the end of April and realistically this will have a knock-on effect on programmes further down the line including Logie and Corso Street.

We will be in touch regarding further developments on these projects when we have more detail."