Monday 24 November 2014

City Council committee meetings

After my Monday surgeries at the Mitchell Street Centre and the West Park Centre late this afternoon, I attended tonight's City Council committee meetings, at which :

+ At Education Committee, I spoke in a debate over the proposal to consult on the possible closure of Menzieshill High School and its catchment area being moved into the Harris Academy catchment area from August 2016.    

Having now spoken with many constituents about this, I stressed the importance of there being a full consultation process that takes into account the views of parents, carers, pupils, staff and the wider community.    

The viability of an enlarged Harris Academy catchment area is hugely dependent upon there being capacity in the new Harris building (capacity 1309) and I have been advised that fuller information on projected rolls and other vital statistical information will be available in a further report to committee on 8th December.     

Meantime, any resident with views, concerns or questions is very welcome to contact me - 459378 - or

+ At City Development Committee, I greatly welcomed the proposed Repairs Notice for 28 Roseangle, a listed building that has been derelict for years, has deteriorated greatly over time and has been the subject to many (very many) residents' concerns.

+ I also added my voice to the best wishes given to David Dorward, the council's Chief Executive over the past five years, as he retires.   David has been an excellent, approachable and extremely hard-working Chief Executive and has achieved much for the city during his long and distinguished career.