Saturday 20 May 2023

Getting this done - Richmond Terrace #dundeewestend

We recently had concerns about the state of the road surface in Richmond Terrace.

We raised this with the City Council's Roads Maintenance Partnership and the Senior Engineer advised us as follows :

"I had Richmond Terrace inspected and some actionable potholes have been identified.

These will be repaired in due course. As for a full resurface, it does not score high enough at the moment to be in the programme

The roads are as you know constantly inspected and scored and should it deteriorate worse than others it will move up in the programme

Next financial year's programme will be developed early into 2024."

The Liberal Democrat Group at this year's council budget proposed an additional £2 million next year for roads resurfacing and £1 million on pavements resurfacing to properly tackle the state of many footpaths and road surfaces that we get so many complaints about.

That would have ensured roads like Richmond Terrace could have been resurfaced this financial year but the other parties voted this down.

We will continue to campaign for better road surfaces and pavements across the West End.