Friday 19 May 2023

Service 17 bus service #dundeewestend

As residents will know, some time ago, the bus service 17 route was changed which took the bus away from its original route that included Lochee Road, Tullideph Road and Ancrum Road.

In the Ancrum Road and Tullideph Road area, access to buses has sharply reduced as a result with just the off-peak 6 and 204 services serving parts of the area.    The 6 does not operate at weekends and the 204 not on Sundays.  

The situation will deteriorate further in 2024 as the SNP administration on the City Council pushed through at this year's budget a full cut to supported bus services from next year which will see the 204 service end.   We opposed this axing of supported bus services but unfortunately the administration group won the vote.

Residents have regularly raised with us the lack of 7 day a week regular services in the Ancrum Road and Tullideph Road area - that also run in the evenings - and we asked the managing director of Xplore Dundee if he will look again at the 17 route when the next review of bus services/routes takes place.

He has responded positively as follows :

"I note your comments and I will raise them at the next service level review which is likely to be near summer."

Although this does not guarantee a solution, it is helpful that the situation will be reviewed and we will keep residents updated.