Tuesday 18 October 2022

Bus diversions during Balgay Road/Blackness Road/Blackness Avenue junction works #dundeewestend

The road resurfacing and road safety work at the Balgay Road/Blackness Road/Blackness Avenue junction starts tomorrow - Wednesday 19th October.

The City Council has provided us with the following information about bus diversions during the roadworks :

"We will have Public Notices out at affected stops from Tuesday with diversion information for all services and Realtime displays within the closure will also be amended accordingly.

For this particular closure, the 73 will divert via West Park Road and Perth Road in both directions and therefore the 73 will not serve any stops between West Park Road and the bottom of Blackness Avenue.

Xplore Dundee diversions are as below –

Road closed: Blackness Road

Commencing: Wednesday 19 October

Scheduled duration: three days

Services affected: 6 | 17 | 22


Service 6

Towards Ninewells Hospital

Normal route to Blackness Avenue, then right into Hyndford Street, right into Blackness Road and left into Glenagnes Road. Resume normal route from Scott Street.

Towards City Centre

Normal route to Scott Street, then left into Glenagnes Road, right into Blackness Road and left into Seymour Street. Resume normal route from Blackness Avenue.

Service 17

Towards Whitfield

Normal route to Pentland Avenue, then left into Scott Street, right into Glenagnes Road, right into Blackness Road and left into Seymour Street. Resume normal route from Blackness Avenue.

Towards Ninewells Hospital

Normal route to Blackness Avenue, then right into Hyndford Street, right into Blackness Road, left into Glenagnes Road and left into Scott Street. Resume normal route from Pentland Avenue.

Service 22

Towards Craigowl

Normal route to Blackness Road, then right into West Park Road, left into Perth Road, left into Blackness Avenue and right into Hyndford Street. Resume normal route from Blackness Road.

Towards Ninewells Hospital

Normal route to Blackness Road, then left into Seymour Street, left into Blackness Avenue, right into Perth Road and right into West Park Road. Resume normal route from Blackness Road.