Sunday 25 February 2024

Un-Earthed #dundeewestend

From the Curator of Museum Services at the University of Dundee :

The latest exhibition in the Lamb Gallery is "Un-Earthed" and features art and artefacts exploring our connections to the land.

As human beings we are all dependent on the land and the resources it provides. Yet we are increasingly becoming disconnected from the natural world around us and our overexploitation of the land is causing an environmental crisis.

This thought-provoking exhibition looks at ways in which we have explored, represented and exploited the land and how artists in Scotland have responded to these themes over the years.

The exhibition is divided into various inter-related themes, including Representing the Land, Urbanisation, Exploiting the Land, Returning to Nature, Environmental Crisis and Evidence of the Past. All of the artworks, artefacts and specimens on display come from the University’s Museum Collections.

The Lamb Gallery in the Tower Building is open Monday to Saturday and the exhibition will be on until 27th April.