Wednesday 25 October 2023

Insulation improvements - Pentland area #dundeewestend

Following a number of Dundee City Council tenants in Pentland asking about possible home insulation improvements for the council housing in the area, we took this up with the City Council.

The council's Head of Housing and Construction Services has responded as follows :

"I can confirm that all of the flats in Saggar Street fall into City Road 2nd development which was built in 1960 and has a brick/blockwork cavity. Therefore, it falls on our list of cavity areas. There are 57 Council flats left out of the total of 136 (60% owners) in the development.

As you know our focus has been external wall insulation and we are now progressing internal wall insulation solutions through a pilot to inform our wider capital programme. In addition, and as part of our forthcoming Energy Efficiency Strategy and Capital Plan, we are reviewing what the solutions are in terms of the cavity-wall stock. We are engaged with colleagues in the Legal Team to determine the solutions in respect of cavity for mixed tenure blocks also. In terms of the social index of multiple deprivation, the Saggar Street and surrounding area falls quite far down the list with 2 300 Council flats above it which are in relatively more deprived areas and so it is likely that Saggar Street will be later within the plan. I do not yet have timescales but once we further progress I can come back to you and advise.

Meantime if the tenant requires any support regarding their heating bills and energy efficiency, then we can make a referral to the Energy Advice Team."