Wednesday 23 November 2022

Getting things done - Corso Street sheltered lounge - handrail #dundeewestend

Although there is a handrail for tenants to use coming out of the Corso Street sheltered lounge going both north and south from the lounge, residents have highlighted to us that the handrail running south towards Blackness Avenue runs out before you reach the junction with Blackness Avenue.

All there is at the moment is a metal fence with a lot of spikes that is being neither safe or satisfactory for a tenant with mobility difficulties to hold onto.

We raised this problem with the City Council and have received a very helpful and positive response from the Project Officer in the Special Needs Unit :

"I have spoken with our blacksmith and he has advised that he will be able to fit a metal handrail to the existing railings which will improve the accessibility leading from the complex onto Blackness Avenue."

This has now been undertaken and is a good job well-done - see photos before and after!