Wednesday 6 July 2022

Magdalen Green footbridge replacement - further update #dundeewestend

As we have previously advised, the City Council is working on a possible project that, subject to funding support from Sustrans, the walking and cycling charity, would result in a  new Magdalen Green footbridge across the rail line to Riverside - one that is suitable for wheelchair users or cyclists.

We recently asked for a further update from the City Council engineer who is working on this project and he advises :

"Sustrans has asked us for additional supporting information in the form of a widened consultation, something that wasn't feasible during Covid restrictions, as well as refreshed construction costs to reflect the current market.

There will be a variety of consultation events, such as a workshop and social media engagement. There will be contact made with all local politicians and community groups as part of this.

Following this, we will be applying for Sustrans funding in September to take the project towards construction stage funding.

We should find out if we are successful mid-December, although would note the timescales for funding applications and awards are dictated by Sustrans."

He also confirmed that repairs will be carried out to the damaged step on the current footbridge that we recently reported following residents' concerns.