Wednesday 25 May 2022

Harris Academy Parent Council meeting #dundeewestend

It was a pleasure last night for us both to attend the last Harris Academy Parent Council meeting of the current school term.

This was the first parent council meeting that Fraser had been able to attend in-person since 2020 as all meetings have been on-line only during the COVID pandemic and this was Michael's first opportunity to attend a Harris Academy Parent Council meeting since his recent election to represent the West End on the City Council.

The meeting was a 'hybrid' one, allowing the choice of attending on-line or in person and this worked extremely well.

Very positive updates from Mr Millar and members of the senior leadership team including new school initiatives and the current SQA examinations diet has been running well.

We also discussed the possible future for the tennis courts at the Elliot Road playing fields that constituents have raised with us as these are badly in need of an upgrade or repurposing for perhaps an all-weather playing facility.