Tuesday 24 March 2020

Great work by our friends at Feeling Strong​!

"Feeling Strong is delivering Food and Care Packages to those who are self-isolating as a result of COVID-19. These food packages will provide vital products that people who are self-isolating may not be able to get themselves, and the allocation of the packages will be conducted on a needs assessed basis.

We desperately need donations so we can shop and get these to vulnerable people in Dundee - please spare what you can and thank you in advance for supporting your community - click here.

If you would like to order a package then you can do so here.

We've changed our Drop-in service to a Video Chat service to make sure those struggling with self-isolation, or the lack of services at this difficult time, can still get the support they need:

- Receive Peer Support from members of our team
- Talk about the difficulties of isolation, and ask for a food/care package to be delivered
- Talk about mental health, recovery and self-care
- Learn about our services and what other mental health activities are going on in Dundee

The service runs on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays from 1500-1800. Visit book.feelingstrong.co.uk to make an appointment, or please pass this along if you know anyone who might benefit from it.

We've decided that a one-stop shop for general COVID-19 guidance, Dundee-specific guidance and information about helpful mental health services together in one place would be a really great idea! So we did!

Please note that this is still a work in progress and will be updated as the situation progresses.

You can find the site by clicking here".