Wednesday 2 November 2011

Searching Your Family History Online

The Dundee Science Festival takes place on Sunday 6th November. 

The Festival includes a special event on genealogy, which will be attended by experts from brightsolid online publishing. They will be able to offer advice, suggestions and tips to anyone who is looking to find out more about their family history, as well as helping those whose research appears to have reached a dead end.

The ScotlandsPeople Team will also be there to offer demos of how the website works, as well as giving help and advice about the best ways to use online records to trace family ancestors who lived in Scotland

The event is FREE to attend and runs from 11.30am to 5pm, with hourly talks taking place on the hour between 12 noon and 4pm. You don’t need to book a place, so you can just turn up on the day. 

The location for this event is the DC Thomson Building at Meadowside, Albert Square, Dundee (directly opposite the statue of Robert Burns).