Friday 19 January 2024

West End Campus – fire damage - a further update #dundeewestend

Following the fire damage at the West End Campus last summer, we recently asked the City Council for an update on progress with the remaining repairs.

The council's Head Of Design & Property Services has now advised us as follows :

"As these reinstatement works are being led by the council insurers, we are very much influenced by their processes and procedures. Accordingly, the insurers have decided for the project works to be tendered rather than direct appointing a contractor for the remaining works.

Council officers had a meeting with insurance representatives on during December, where it was outlined that tender documentation would be issued early in the new year with a contractor being appointed in February and works commencing on site thereafter.

Once the insurers have received and assessed the tenders the council will then be in a position to update you both regarding start and completion dates for the works.

I understand the insurers are to fully fund the repair works, therefore the council will not require the tender to be approved at committee or delegated to officers for approval."