Wednesday 28 December 2022

Environmental improvements for Perth Road area - an update #dundeewestend

Residents will recall our update in September - - about consultation on possible environmental improvements for parts of the Perth Road shopping area - at the Sinderins 'triangle', Pennycook Lane in front of the police station and at the Miller's Wynd car park.

We recently asked the City Council's Head of Planning and Economic Development for an update on timescales and further consultation with the community and have been updated as follows :

"Considerable progress has been made in identifying projects within each of the five District Centres. However, there are some challenges around delivery and this is impacting on the pace at which projects are progressed.

This includes the need for public involvement and consultation in relation to projects; the capacity of Council staff to support project design due to high demands across a wide range of projects; the time involved in securing statutory approvals, for example traffic orders; the availability of contractors to undertake the works; and delays relating to the availability of some materials.

The projects proposed in Perth Road are:

Miller’s Wynd Park - Work to improve the surface and seating in front of the community fridge and provide planting/root protection for the trees.

Pennycook Lane - Work outside the police station to install planting and a seat.

Sinderins - Work at the Sinderins junction to install planting and seating.

Perth Road - Work to relocate the bus shelter at the post office.

The public consultation for each of these projects is largely complete and delivery is being arranged through the City Engineers. The projects will be completed during 2023.

The (initial) consultation for the Perth Road Projects was concluded at the end of September. The responses were then forwarded to the Landscape Architects and Engineers to produce final designs. I understand you have requested that these be brought back to the West End Community Council for further consultation. Only after that is complete will we be in a position to start the tender process.

There are challenges around delivery and this is impacting on the pace at which all projects throughout the City are progressed. There continues to be very substantial demand upon the resources available within the City Engineers and Landscape Architects and consequently the projects are regrettably progressing slower than we would like."

We would add that the work to make the bus shelter at the post office more accessible will be undertaken fairly soon after the festive break.