Thursday 28 April 2022

Getting things done - Millhall Crescent #dundeewestend

Residents will recall that, prior to the COVID health emergency, I had met with Millhall Crescent residents and an environment officer from the City Council about the overgrown embankment at the north side of the street.

At the time, environment management gave a commitment to improve the banking through weeding and planting.    However, that has not happened during the pandemic period.    I therefore recently went back to the City Council's environment officer regarding this and have received the following helpful response :

"Yes remember it well and actually drove past the other night and thought about it. 

I will catch up with a colleague regarding the background and meet with him to have another look.

There will be though limited works we can do safely due the gradient but there may be a few options to improve the appearance. 

Fraser, I will keep you posted once we have met."