Saturday 9 July 2016

New style National Entitlement Cards

Since July, 2014 Local Authorities across Scotland have been issuing a new style National Entitlement Card (for example, for the over 60s entitled to free bus travel) for any first time applications, replacement requests or automatic renewals.     

The visual differences between the old and new style cards are shown below :
Meanwhile, over 800 000 cards in circulation need replacing across Scotland before December 2016.    This is to ensure customers will continue to have access to the national travel concession after 31st December 2016 when the current OneScotland National Entitlement Cards cease to function.

If you are over 60 years old and your card has the OneScotland logo, a new style card will automatically be sent to your registered address before your current one expires.    You don’t need to do anything.