Friday 11 August 2006

Progress on Seabraes issues

Pleased to see progress with the issues here following site visit earlier in the week. I am advised by Waste Management at the City Council that the glass I reported to them has been cleared. The car park manager has also advised - "Roseangle Car Park has been tidied up and will be done so on a regular basis." Additionally the Council's Access Officer has spoken with Scottish Enterprise Tayside (SET) about the damaged 'cycle white markings' on the cycle path and SET is to progress this.

Lastly, I paste below part of the response received by e-mail from SET following a long telephone conversation with them :

"SE Tayside is aware of the points you raise and is in discussion with the contractor regarding having the grafitti removed and are looking to receive a price. This is an extra to the contract and bid for funds to have this undertaken will result.

"As regards the lifting of the small area of surface of the path at Seabraes gardens this has been drawn to the contractors attention to repair under the contractors liability period. With regard to the dog fouling bins I have taken this up with DCC in the hope these can be supplied.

"As part of the maintenance agreement of the area the landscaping contractor is bound to undertake regular litter picks.

"The long term arrangement for the Seabraes Yards steps and associated landscaping has been arranged with Dundee City who SE Tayside are committed to pay a substantial lump sum to cover maintenance after the contractors' 2 year maintenance period."